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optional component: eibd (KNX) #7

Closed ThomDietrich closed 7 years ago

staehler commented 8 years ago

It seems, there is no eibd-package for ARM, so eibd needs to be compiled :-( A quite good ressource on this you find here.

FInally the eibd-config depends on the KNX-Interface, which could be USB, RS232 or IP, but it seems that the /etc/init.d/eibd script can detect it automatically. Al least it does it for my USB interface.

I would suggest to compile the eibd once and deploy it (optionally) with your distribution. As mentioned, there is no eibd binary available for ARM. The user needs to compile it by himself. This means, there has to be a complete building environment on the raspberry. At least for this one compile run. As eibd isn't developed further, there is no great risk to get outdated ;-) Another and new branch of the eibd is knxd. But that's all I know about it.

ThomDietrich commented 8 years ago

I looked into knxd and there has been quite the activity. That's why I'm not sure what's the best approach to incorporate KNX. Hence I will leave this task for later and trust into the next person to come up with the "right" setup to post it here ;)

staehler commented 8 years ago

As I have my new raspi3 since yesterday, I can show, what I needed to do to get knxd running.

  1. copy this script from
  2. Then run the script:
  chmod +x ./
  1. choose the right interface in /etc/defaults/knxd
  2. start the service (service knxd stop ; service knxd start)
  3. Maybe a systemctl enable knxd is necessary

For me it's running now, but there are few minor bugs in start scripts, which may needed to be corrected (at least, when a USB-interface is used). I'll try to get contact to the developer to get this fixed.

ThomDietrich commented 8 years ago

Hey, I've included these steps in a first draft and the script is running right now. I am not really happy with a few steps in the script though. An unnecessary "apt upgrade" in the beginning, no error catching, ... Maybe we should upload and modify the script here in this repository?

staehler commented 8 years ago

It's up to you. The best way would be a deb-file, which could be just installed via dpkg. Then all the build-stuff (make, gcc, etc.) wouldn't have to be installed, which wastes space and is not anymore needed after compilation. Unfortunately I have no idea how to build a deb-file. I hope the community around knxd is going to do this in the future.

ThomDietrich commented 8 years ago

This is still an open issue. The simplest solution is now part of the master branch but improvement is needed. @staehler did you reach out to the developer?

staehler commented 8 years ago

Yes, he fixed the issue I've found. If you have further requests, contact him via the commecnts section of his site. He responded quite fast.

ThomDietrich commented 8 years ago

Hello, as with 1wire, would be great if you provided me with a short before and after text!

staehler commented 8 years ago

Well I'm no expert with knxd as I run eibd at the moment, but this text should be fine:

This will install knxd (successor to eibd) to support your KNX bus system. Please edit /etc/default/knxd to meet your interface requirements. For further information on knxd options, please type knxd --help.

Maybe you want to mention the website, where the installer is from, as the maintainer could be contacted, in case of problems via the forum comments section.

ThomDietrich commented 7 years ago

Added in Thanks!!