Open madhacker3kxl opened 4 months ago
Unfortunately the logging doesn't show the info from the zigbee library, but I suspect that the issue here is that both of these are Ember chips and they are running very different firmware. There is a constraint in the zigbee library where a static is used to store information for communication with the dongle -:
I couldn't find info on the HUBz - is that the HUSBZB1 or is it different? If you can find newer firmware, then it would work I think. I'll also take a look at the library issue again, but that's also messy to resolve.
It is the HUSBZB1. Yes, they are both ember devices. There is no newer firmware version for it. I am not worried about it, as I needed them both online to move devices from one to another, one at a time. You are welcome to close this issue. If you need more logs, let me know.
I'll modify the title to reflect that this is Ember and leave it open for now. I'll take another look to see if this can be resolved in an elegant way in the library as it isn't a nice "feature" to have. Interestingly though, in all the years this is the first time it's come up in OH at least.
Only one Zigbee coordinator works at a time. Whichever initializes first, it will be the one that will show Online and the other will be communication error. Disabling the working one does not fix the non working one, until restarting services. Example picture where SLZB06 initialized later:
Following log is both Zigbee coordinator is disabled and enabling one at at time and disable again. This was after a clean boot. SLZB06M initialzed first.