openhab / org.openhab.binding.zwave

openHAB binding for Z-Wave
Eclipse Public License 2.0
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Set parent to 4.1.1-SNAPSHOT #1913

Closed wborn closed 6 months ago

wborn commented 6 months ago

This may help @kaikreuzer

kaikreuzer commented 6 months ago

Thanks, but it fails...

wborn commented 6 months ago

That's probably because there are no CI builds for patch releases.

wborn commented 6 months ago

No issues on a local build:

[INFO] --- install:3.1.1:install (default-install) @ org.openhab.binding.zwave ---
[INFO] Installing /home/wouter/git/openhab/org.openhab.binding.zwave/pom.xml to /home/wouter/.m2/repository/org/openhab/addons/bundles/org.openhab.binding.zwave/4.1.1-SNAPSHOT/org.openhab.binding.zwave-4.1.1-SNAPSHOT.pom
[INFO] Installing /home/wouter/git/openhab/org.openhab.binding.zwave/target/org.openhab.binding.zwave-4.1.1-SNAPSHOT.jar to /home/wouter/.m2/repository/org/openhab/addons/bundles/org.openhab.binding.zwave/4.1.1-SNAPSHOT/org.openhab.binding.zwave-4.1.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
[INFO] Installing /home/wouter/git/openhab/org.openhab.binding.zwave/target/org.openhab.binding.zwave-4.1.1-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar to /home/wouter/.m2/repository/org/openhab/addons/bundles/org.openhab.binding.zwave/4.1.1-SNAPSHOT/org.openhab.binding.zwave-4.1.1-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time:  33.568 s (Wall Clock)
[INFO] Finished at: 2024-01-06T16:10:25+01:00
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Static code analysis summary report is available in:
[INFO] file:/home/wouter/git/openhab/org.openhab.binding.zwave/target/summary_report.html
kaikreuzer commented 6 months ago


kaikreuzer commented 5 months ago

@wborn The sandbox build somehow keeps failing as it cannot find the addons reactor pom 4.1.1-SNAPSHOT in the repo - which indeed isn't there. It exists for all other patch releases (e.g. 4.0.4) though. Any idea why this could be missing? I'm afraid that the currently running patch release build might fail with the same issue...

wborn commented 5 months ago

Maybe it got manually removed or Artifactory had some sort of outage? Perhaps it can be fixed by manually uploading it again.

It seems the artifact was still there a few days ago if you look at the 4th step here:

+ mvn versions:set-property -Dproperty=ohc.version -DnewVersion=4.1.1 -DreleaseArgs=skipTests=true,skipChecks=true,spotless.check.skip=true -DskipChecks=true -DskipTests=true -DgenerateBackupPoms=false -Dspotless.check.skip=true -Dunleash.releaseVersion=4.1.1 -Dunleash.developmentVersion=4.1.2-SNAPSHOT -Dunleash.scmUsername=**** -Dunleash.scmPassword=**** -Drelease -P sandbox -B -DskipChecks=true
Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dmaven.ext.class.path="/var/jenkins_home/workspace/sandbox-openhab4-patch-release/org.openhab.binding.zwave@tmp/withMaven39935c9b/pipeline-maven-spy.jar" -Dorg.jenkinsci.plugins.pipeline.maven.reportsFolder="/var/jenkins_home/workspace/sandbox-openhab4-patch-release/org.openhab.binding.zwave@tmp/withMaven39935c9b" 
[INFO] [jenkins-event-spy] Generate /var/jenkins_home/workspace/sandbox-openhab4-patch-release/org.openhab.binding.zwave@tmp/withMaven39935c9b/maven-spy-20240105-153559-65714173963639035391763.log.tmp ...
[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[INFO] Downloading from openhab-snapshots-release:
[INFO] Downloading from sandbox-all:
[INFO] Downloaded from openhab-snapshots-release: (625 B at 718 B/s)
[INFO] Downloaded from sandbox-all: (625 B at 718 B/s)
[INFO] Downloading from openhab-snapshots-release:
[INFO] Downloaded from openhab-snapshots-release: (28 kB at 126 kB/s)

It seems to be there for the 4.1.1 build :crossed_fingers:

kaikreuzer commented 5 months ago

It seems to be there for the 4.1.1 build 🤞

Ah, cool, then it should work alright and I don't care too much about the sandbox build right now. 😆

wborn commented 5 months ago

Too bad it seems to have failed. :disappointed:

I also notice that other *.1-SNAPSHOT versions are missing on



kaikreuzer commented 5 months ago

Yeah, too bad. Any idea how we could resume the build starting from Z-Wave? Shall we revert the parent to 4.1.0-SNAPSHOT again?

kaikreuzer commented 5 months ago

The 4.1.0-SNAPSHOT and the 4.1.2-SNAPSHOT are there. The one you saw before was 4.1.1 release, but not the snapshot. I guess we could simply revert the parent to point to 4.1.0-SNAPSHOT, then the build should be able to continue.

wborn commented 5 months ago

Yes it's worth a try. :+1:

kaikreuzer commented 5 months ago

Let's see, so far it is doing something:

wborn commented 5 months ago

org.openhab.binding.zigbee probably also needs that workaround.

kaikreuzer commented 5 months ago

Yeah, just reverted it...

kaikreuzer commented 5 months ago

Seems we made it! 🎉

wborn commented 5 months ago

Great! :+1:

I think I know what happens. :slightly_smiling_face:

Every time you create a x.y.0 release the pipeline assumes the next version will be x.(y+1).0-SNAPSHOT and uploads those artifacts during the release instead of x.y.1-SNAPSHOT arftifacts. So they will be missing if you manually update them to that version.

When 4.0.1 was released the parent was also using another parent, see:

It shouldn't really matter what the parent is when you start a release. Maybe that is just some oddity of Jenkins or the unleash-maven-plugin.

kaikreuzer commented 5 months ago

Right, it actually releases the build version (4.1.1) and then runs a test snapshot build for the next snapshot (4.1.2-SNAPSHOT) (I'm actually not sure why it does this...).

I guess I will simply keep the parent always pointing to the main release and won't do any changes to it.