Closed paixaop closed 9 years ago
On 2 Sep 2015, at 14:46, Pedro Paixao wrote:
Chris when I import the HABmin2 project into the IDE to start it with OH2 for development I get the following error:
Project build error: Non-resolvable parent POM for org.openhab.ui:org.openhab.ui.habmin:[unknown-version]: Could not find artifact org.openhab:pom:pom:2.0.0-SNAPSHOT and 'parent.relativePath' points at wrong local POM
Does that actually cause a problem? I think I have the same error, but it’s not a problem. The system is NOT configured to be able to use maven - I tried this, but couldn’t get it working. You can only run/compile within the IDE.
Then fixed the Relative Path to match the main OH POM file but then got another error
Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration: org.eclipse.tycho:tycho-packaging-plugin:0.22.0:build-qualifier (execution: default-build-qualifier, phase: validate)
I don’t know what that means...
Did a quick fix in Eclipse on the error and it went away. After adding both ZWave and HABmin bindings to the start list of the Debug Configuration I can see the HABmin link in the OH2 main page but when I click on it I get 404 errors. Where should I put the web files so that Habmin2 works in OH2?
There aren’t any web files to install - they are already part of the JAR - in the web folder.
Just another point for information. I'm currently doing a significant overhaul of the UI, so depending on what you're looking to change (if anything), just be aware that it might not be possible to merge. Changes in the JAR should generally be ok, but most web side files will change.
I would suggest you work with the change branch, but if you do, you won't be able to use the zwave binding, which I suspect is what you want to do?
Yes the plan was to work mainly on the zwave bidinding to add scene support directly. I have a 15 Cooper 5 button scene controllers that I want to program directly. I don't want to do the scenes as openHab rules. Then I want to add the scene configuration GUI to habmin. What's your suggestion?
I'm not sure.
Note that Habmin won't support the Zwave binding specific interfaces. It will only support esh interfaces.
We therefore need to work within the constraints of the esh configuration which means that there will be nothing to add in Habmin
Why do you need a scene specific interface? What would it look like in Habmin?
It's a similar concept used in HomeSeer 3. Like OH they have support for scenes as rules, but when you install their Z-Wave plugin (equivalent to the zwave binding in OH) you get an extra option in the plugin configuration that supports Z-Wave Scenes.
Then you can configure scenes as zwave scenes/association commands which are supported by scene controller and scene actuator command classes and associations.
Here is a sample scene with one dimmer.
Zwave scenes only support Z-Wave devices, that is indeed a limitation (easily overcome), but they have the benefit of being programmed directly in the wall controllers and switches so they don't need the home automation computer running.
I was thinking of adding a new tab in HABmin 1 interface for scenes. You would be able to configure up to 255 scenes of only Zwave devices. This is supported by ZWave directly. Then the user adds devices to scenes and set their ON/OFF, Level, Temperature, etc...
Step 2 is to transfer the scene configuration to the ZWave controllers. This is done use the Scene Controller and Actuator Command Classes, and the Association command class.
Once a scene is configured in the Z-Wave controller it can be used without OH running. If user want to mix devices (Z-wave and other OH things) we can control the Zwave devices directly from the scene controllers as explained, and OH still receives the scene activation command which can trigger an OH rule.
Thanks. Will digest this more tomorrow but second question - what will the data look like between the client and server?
Similar to
[ {
sceneId: 1,
sceneName: "dinner",
dimmingDuration: 0x10,
devices: [
nodeId: 2,
commandClass: 0x20,
level: 0
nodeId: 5,
commandClass: 0x26,
level: 30
sceneId: 2,
I think that the individual components will need somehow to be broken down to separate configuration parameters - complex parameters like this can't be sent...
I would suggest one of the following options -:
Only the last option is likely to be best in the long term I think, but it's also going to be a hard sell to get things added to ESH - at least not quickly.
In the short term, I would suggest you read up on the ESH configuration system and see if you can make this fit...
Chris how do I register an event handler so that when we get a scene activation command class report message, I can trigger code in the Scene Manager Class?
Hi, I am having issue to run HABmin as a UI bundle in OH2 eclipse IDE. Problem is when i click on HABMIN from "Welcom to openHAB 2" page, I am getting "HTTP Eror 404" Problem accessing /habmin/index.html.
Obviously, the servelet is unable to locate the file. Question is, which directory should I put webapps/habmin/*? in distribution/openhabhome/ ? Ot anywhere else? Note. this is running from within Eclipse IDE and not the openhab distribution packgae. thanks.
There is no webapps folder - you just need to install the JAR file - nothing else.
Where do i add the jar file to in Eclipse IDE? Cause i am running distribution package instead run from OH2 source code. thanks.
I think you just need to import it into the ide
Chris when I import the HABmin2 project into the IDE to start it with OH2 for development I get the following error:
Then fixed the Relative Path to match the main OH POM file but then got another error
Did a quick fix in Eclipse on the error and it went away. After adding both ZWave and HABmin bindings to the start list of the Debug Configuration I can see the HABmin link in the OH2 main page but when I click on it I get 404 errors. Where should I put the web files so that Habmin2 works in OH2?