openhab / website

This repository contains the final artifacts from which the project website is served.
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Describe how to use build artifact from a docu repo PR to create the webpage #456

Closed pgfeller closed 2 months ago

pgfeller commented 3 months ago


This PR adds additional functionality to build the website using changes from a PR from the documentation repository.


Special Thanks to:

In special situations; e.g. if you make changes in the documentation repository that might impact the website build, it is possible to build the website from a PR. This makes it possible to verify that your proposed changes do not have negative side effects:

ARGUMENTS="--pull-request 2272" npm run build-local

Available ARGUMENTS:

pgfeller commented 3 months ago

@florian-h05 and @stefan-hoehn - please have a look at the proposed changes. This PR adds some arguments to create and serve the documentation page locally based on a PR. It needs some fine tuning - but I would appreciate your feedback if this adds value add all - or if the "feature" is not necessary.

ARGUMENTS="--pull-request 2272" npm run build-local

> openhab-website@3.0.0 prebuild-local
> npm run prepare-docs

> openhab-website@3.0.0 prepare-docs
> ruby prepare-docs.rb $ARGUMENTS

➡️ Cloning repository 📦 dilyanpalauzov:oh_addons_install ...
  ↪️ PR #2272: Document addon installation in Karaf from Marketplace
➡️ Migrating the introduction article
➡️ Migrating common images
➡️ Migrating logos
➡️ Migrating the Concepts section
➡️ Migrating the Installation section
➡️ Migrating the Tutorial section
➡️ Migrating the Configuration section
➡️ Migrating the Main UI section
➡️ Migrating the Migration Tutorial section
➡️ Migrating the Blockly Tutorial section
➡️ Migrating the UI section
process_file: IGNORING (NON-EXISTING): .vuepress/openhab-docs/_addons_uis/habpanel/doc/
process_file: IGNORING (NON-EXISTING): .vuepress/openhab-docs/_addons_uis/habot/
➡️ Migrating the Apps section
➡️ Migrating the Administration section
➡️ Migrating the Developer section
➡️ Migrating add-ons: Automation
➡️ Migrating add-ons: Persistence
➡️ Migrating add-ons: Transformations
➡️ Migrating add-ons: Voice
➡️ Migrating add-ons: IO
➡️ Migrating add-ons: UI
⚠️  Ecosystem documentation for [Alexy, Mycroft, Google] skipped - depends on Git-Workflow ...
➡️ Migrating add-ons: Bindings
➡️ Creating ZWave thing viewer
➡️ Writing add-ons arrays to files for sidebar navigation
⚠️  Iconsets depend on Git-Workflow - will be skipped ...
➡️ Downloading and extracting latest Javadoc from Jenkins
2024-03-10 23:58:12 URL: [4357840/4357840] -> "javadoc-latest.tgz.8" [1]
⚠️  Thingtypes depend on Git-Workflow - will be skipped ...

> openhab-website@3.0.0 build-local
> npm run dev --silent


... let me know if I shall continue - or if we abandon this, because we do not need it. In that case we might consider to salvage some parts (e.g. improved processing of arguments in the ruby script.

with kind regards

stefan-hoehn commented 3 months ago

I think that the idea definitely makes sense and I like it a lot. The more and easier we can try out changes locally the better it is. 😍

In general it looks good to me. I would recommend having a joint session for trying it out together.

@florian-h05 I would appreciate if you have a closer look at the code as well.

pgfeller commented 3 months ago

I've some pending tasks before a merge can be done:

➡️ some of the review comments I did not close yet ... please check if you are happy with the change(s) of the open comments (then I close them) - or let me know what needs to be improved.

pgfeller commented 3 months ago

@florian-h05 - many thanks for your clean ups 👍

➡️ @stefan-hoehn & @florian-h05 : ... from my side this PR should be ready to merge. I'll have a look into on #2216 next to see if we can use the official footer slot of the template for the edit link to properly use footnotes. I'll also add what markdown extensions we support to the contributor .md

Have a nice (long) weekend & ping me if I missed something in this PR.

@stefan-hoehn - as you may have noticed: I like icons - my favorite console font(s): Nerd Fonts

pgfeller commented 3 months ago with the arrow icons to make it consistent?

Thank you for the review 👍.