openhatch / oh-bugimporters

Bug importers for the OpenHatch project oh-mainline
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Bug importer seems to be stuck #103

Closed ghost closed 10 years ago

ghost commented 10 years ago

Comment by paulproteus:

When I took a look this morning at I noticed that over 99% of the bugs were more stale than 3 days. That's bad news. There were two problems.

First, our scraper of the Python bug tracker stopped working. I filed issue573 about that.

Second, whenever a scraper fails in an unexpected way, the bug importer totally crashes. So I wrote and pushed this commit: mainline/commit/f3975ba526a524e5dcea593777ab56683cd89977

This ticket is filed so that (1) we get credit for fixing this during 0.11.07, and (2) we can track to see if the above commit fixed enough of the problem.

Comment by paulproteus:

The core of this is resolved. It is no longer stuck at 99%, so it's safe to push it forward to a future release.

There is are unhandled crashes in the bug tracker, and those have their own bugs filed.

Still, I will keep this open as a tracking bug until those are fixed.

Comment by paulproteus:

The core of this problem is that the old bug tracker import system (called "customs.bugtrackers") is broken.

We're in the process of replacing it with a new system called "customs.bugimporters". This bug remains open as a tracking bug, but you can see from that things are getting better.

Comment by paulproteus:

Moving all bug import code to new-style is a release goal of 0.11.11.

Comment by paulproteus:

The bug importer is stable at 12% stale, which I think is definable as non-stuck. The new bugimporters code currently gets called by a cron job on

There are separate bugs for finishing bugimporters migration, specifically with regard to Launchpad.

I'll file other bugs for specific issues that might come up.

Status: resolved Nosy List: paulproteus Priority: urgent Imported from roundup ID: 574 (view archived page) Last modified: 2011-12-04.21:45:52