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Double displaying options in auto-complete searches/duplication of synonyms #85

Closed michaeledwardmarks closed 11 years ago

michaeledwardmarks commented 11 years ago

The "Conditions" autocomplete list which is used to populate "Diagnosis" and "Past-Medical History" is displaying 2 copies of every entry. Looking at the admin interface it looks like somehow new "Canonical" entries have been created based on synonyms. So CAP has synonyms "Community Acquired Pneumonia" "LRTI" and "Lower Respiratory Tract Infection" but somehow there are also now separate entries for these options unlinked to the Canonical "CAP" entry.

inglesp commented 11 years ago

Ah shite. What'll have happened here is that any of the original list of conditions that you renamed or deleted will have been added back in. The same will have happened to any other option list.

It'll be straightforward to identify any conditions that you renamed and added a synonym with the original name.

Are there any conditions that either:

michaeledwardmarks commented 11 years ago

Not sure I quite follow that! I guess at least the following types of editing will all have occurred Condition = A: Deleted Condition = A: Rename Canonical entry as "B": Assign "A" as a Synonym to "B" Condition = A: Add B,C,D etc as Synonyms Hope that makes sense

inglesp commented 11 years ago

I think I a few words there, sorry.

There's a fourth type of editing:

(4) Condition = "A": Rename canonical name as "B": Don't assign "A" as a synonym for "B".

I can handle case (2), and in case (3) there's no problem. Do you know how many of case (1) or (4) there might be?

inglesp commented 11 years ago

I reckon this is the list of conditions that you either renamed or removed. Can you confirm please?

442 Acute Kidney Injury 443 Acute Lymphocytic Leukaemia 444 Acute Myelod Leukaemia 445 Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome 446 Alcohol Withdrawal 447 Alzheimer's Disease 448 Amoebic brain abscess 449 Amoebic lung abscess 450 Chronic Kidney Disease 451 Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia 452 Chronic Myeloid Leukaema 453 Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease 454 Coeliac Disease 455 Community Acquired Pneumonia 456 Cushings Syndrome 457 Diabetic Ketoacidosis 458 Familial Meiterranean Fever 459 Gastro-oesophageal refulx 460 Graft-versus host disease 461 Herpes Encephalitis 462 Hospital Acquired Pneumonia 463 Hyperosmolar Non-Ketotic Coma 464 Inflammatory Bowel Disease 465 Injecting drug user 466 Lymphogranuloma venereum 467 Nephr 468 Oral Heairy Leukoplakia 469 Pneumococcal septicemia 470 Pneumocytis jirovecii pneumonia 471 Spontaneous Bacterial Peritonitis 472 Still'd Disease 473 Type 1 Diabetes 474 Type 2 Diabetes 475 Urinary Tract Infection 476 Ventilator Associated Pneumonia 477 Viral Haemorrhagic Fever 478 Viral URTI

michaeledwardmarks commented 11 years ago

I think 1 and 4 may have happened a few times but not certain. Your list looks correct to me. We will also have made synonyms for "Route of administration" and 'Reasons for travel"

Is this going to be a recurring problem?

inglesp commented 11 years ago

No, I'll ensure it doesn't happen again!

inglesp commented 11 years ago

Should be fixed.