openhealthcare / prescribing-analytics

Static site to hold analytics data
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Incomprehensible to general reader #7

Open frabcus opened 11 years ago

frabcus commented 11 years ago

To somebody who doesn't already know a lot about the NHS, the site makes no sense.

I think it should, because you should get Ben Goldacre to have it embedded in the Daily Mail.

In particular:

drcjar commented 11 years ago
  1. Unexplained variation (percentage statin prescriptions that are proprietary 0-35%)
  2. Likely lots of money wasted / large potential savings (> £200 million/year for statins)
  3. Opportunity cost a. Could have spent the wasted money on something else b. Could have had better new drugs if didn't reward new drugs that aren't much better
  4. Safety issue (newer more expensive drugs generally tried and tested by fewer people, more likely to be withdrawn because of safety problems e.g and full list here )
drcjar commented 11 years ago

Clinical Commissioning Groups are groups of GPs (and other medical and non-medical professionals) that, from April 1st 2013, will be responsible for planning and designing local health services in England. They will do this by 'commissioning' or buying health and care services.

drcjar commented 11 years ago

Statins are drugs that lower cholestrol and reduce the risk of heart attacks and stroke.