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OpenHPC Component Submissions Project
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Openstack Core Component Integration(Keystone,Glance,Nova,Neutron) #5

Open vipulnayyar opened 7 years ago

vipulnayyar commented 7 years ago

Software Name


Public URL

Technical Overview

OpenStack is a cloud operating system that controls large pools of compute, storage, and networking resources throughout a datacenter, all managed through a dashboard that gives administrators control while empowering their users to provision resources through a web interface.

OpenStack software controls large pools of compute, storage, and networking resources throughout a datacenter, managed through a dashboard or via the OpenStack API. OpenStack works with popular enterprise and open source technologies making it ideal for heterogeneous infrastructure.

Latest stable version number

Mitaka (Released 2016-04-07)

Open-source license type

Apache 2.0

Relationship to component?

If other, please describe:

Build system

If other, please describe: Python build tools

Does the current build system support staged path installations? For example: make install DESTIR=/tmp/foo (or equivalent)

Does component run in user space or are administrative credentials required?

Does component require post-installation configuration.

If yes, please describe briefly:

Configuration files for each Openstack component installed needs to be modified to add/modify default settings depending on the component being considered

If component is selected, are you willing and able to collaborate with OpenHPC maintainers during the integration process?

Does the component include test collateral (e.g. regression/verification tests) in the publicly shipped source?

If yes, please briefly describe the intent and location of the tests. Each core component in Openstack has tox tests present in tests directory which contain style, unit and functional tests.

Does the component have additional software dependencies (beyond compilers/MPI) that are not part of standard Linux distributions?

If yes, please list the dependencies and associated licenses. As part of the initial integration of Openstack with OpenHPC, only a few critical components like Nova, Glance, Keystone & Neutron should be considered.

These components have the following major dependencies:

Does the component include online or installable documentation?

If available online, please provide URL.

[Optional]: Would you like to receive additional review feedback by email?

Yes, please

- [x] yes - [ ] no
glaucimar commented 7 years ago

I don't understand this... is the proposal to integrate openstack core components within OpenHPC? Or is the proposal to deliver SLURM (using ElasticComputing feature, for example)? I am trying to udnerstand the use case here.

vipulnayyar commented 7 years ago

@glaucimar, I'm not sure why there's an issue with clarity here. This proposal is about integrating Openstack core components within OpenHPC, so that HPC admins can provision their own Openstack cloud with the OpenHPC toolkit.

glaucimar commented 7 years ago

@vipulnayyar thanks for confirming.. I was trying to understand what this really means. I am also trying to understand why admin would choose to get openstack components from OpenHPC and not from Openstack (or any of the delivery options already available out there) if they are trying to set up a cloud. Do you have a deployment architecture in mind of you plan to be agnostic about this? Also, is the idea to just install these components or configure them and have the cloud up and running as the end result of this addition? I am trying to understand this as I am willing to contribute somehow so please, take these questions in a positive way.

vipulnayyar commented 7 years ago

@glaucimar, Appreciate your thoughts. The proposal for integrating Openstack is in line with the aim of OpenHPC project i.e 'to aggregate a number of common ingredients required to deploy and manage HPC clusters', since HPC admins are increasingly willing to provision scalable clouds for their workloads or providing general compute resources to their users.

Regards to obtaining Openstack components, I feel that the packages maintained and supported by the Openstack community like RDO should also be available under the OpenHPC umbrella. Hence, as an initial step, having the ability to install Openstack packages from OpenHPC would be great. Later on, if the community develops a central orchestration/management tool for OpenHPC, that can surely enhance our ability to deploy different configurations/flavors of an Openstack cloud.

Also, your contributions and thoughts are surely welcome :-)

koomie commented 7 years ago

Hello @vipulnayyar. Thank you for this submission. My apologies for the delay in updating...we got very busy trying to get the latest 1.2 release out and I have been delinquent updating several requests. I regret to inform you that the TSC has recommended to hold off on inclusion of these core components for now. Some of the concerns expressed centered on the fact that the stack is still very fluid and the duplicative effort that would be undertaken with the OpenStack community that is also working to provide packages and installation guides.

However, we do recognize the importance and potential interest in leveraging OpenHPC packages in cloud environments. Therefore, we would like to propose an alternative starting point where we work to create and publish a companion recipe that walks through installing OpenStack (or starts with a pre-installed environment) and documents creation of a deployment image leveraging relevant bits from OpenHPC?

Would you be interested in collaborating on this?

hannibalhuang commented 5 years ago

Hi Just curious any update on this matter ?