openhwgroup / core-v-mcu-cli-test

Eclipse/FreeRTOS/core-v-mcu example program
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Hardcoded path to gdb #37

Open MikeOpenHWGroup opened 2 years ago

MikeOpenHWGroup commented 2 years ago

In launch configuration launch/cli_test hs2.launch, the path to gdb is hardcoded:

<stringAttribute key="org.eclipse.cdt.dsf.gdb.DEBUG_NAME" value="/opt/corev-openhw-gcc-ubuntu1804-20200913/bin/riscv32-corev-elf-gdb"/>

I was able to edit the file to point to my local install of gdb, but that should not be necessary. Is there a way to remove this from the launch configuration and allow Eclipse to pick up the path from a user configuration?