openhwgroup / core-v-mcu

This is the CORE-V MCU project, hosting CORE-V's embedded-class cores.
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[BUG] <IO control regs offset in apb_soc_ctrl> #296

Closed mbaykenar closed 1 year ago

mbaykenar commented 1 year ago

Bug Description

In some definitions for register offsets are:

`define REG_WCFGFUN 12'h60 // BASEADDR+0x60 Sets mux&cfg control for specifed iopad
`define REG_RCFGFUN 12'h64 // BASEADDR+0x64 reads mux&cfg control for specifed iopad
`define REG_JTAGREG 12'h74 //BASEADDR+0x74 JTAG REG
`define REG_BOOTSEL 12'hC4 //BASEADDR+0xC4 bootsel
`define REG_CLKSEL 12'hC8 //BASEADDR+0xC8 clocksel
`define REG_WD_COUNT 12'hD0
`define REG_WD_CONTROL 12'hD4
`define REG_RESET_REASON 12'hD8
`define RTO_PERIPHERAL 12'hE0
`define RTO_COUNT 12'hE4
`define RESET_TYPE1_EFPGA 12'hE8 //BASEADDR+0xE8
`define EFPGA_CONTROL 12'hF0
`define EFPGA_STATUS 12'hF4
`define EFPGA_VERSION 12'hF8
`define SOFT_RESET 12'hFC
`define PAD_CFG_MUX 12'b0100????????  // 0x400 - 7FC for 256 PADMUX

I was reading the documentation for apb_soc_ctrl section and IO_CTRL offset is seem to be 0x0400, which is PAD_CFG_MUX parameter in sv file. However, this parameter is never used in this file or another in the repo.

This offset val is also seen in hal_apb_soc_ctrl_reg_defs.h in hal library for core-v-mcu:

  // Offset = 0x0400
  union {
    __IO uint32_t io_ctrl[48];
    struct {
      __IO uint32_t  mux        :  2;
      __IO uint32_t             :  6;
      __IO uint32_t  cfg        :  6;
    } io_ctrl_b[48];
} SocCtrl_t;

Correct offset is seem to be REG_WCFGFUN ?

or I simply did not understand the meaning of 0x400 offset for I/O control ?


MikeOpenHWGroup commented 1 year ago

Hi @mbaykenar, Thanks for your interest in CORE-V-MCU. I took the liberty of editing your issue description to clean up the markdown formatting. You have asked a couple of questions which I will try to answer. These answers reference the CORE-V-MCU User's Manual, which is currently under development.

  1. You are right, the PAD_CFG_MUX macro is not used. It will be deleted from a future release of the RTL.
  2. Addressing for CORE-V-MCU is determined by adding a base address an offset. The base addresses are in the memory map, and the offset is provided in the documentation for each IP Block.

In the case of the APB SoC Event Controller, the base address is 0x1A10-6000 and the offset for IO_CFG0 is 0x0400, so the address of the IO_CFG0 CSR in the APB SoC Event Controller is 0x1A10-6400.

You will note that the documentation provides information about a set of CSRs called IO_CTRL and you will not find these in the RTL. Also, the RTL has an address REG_WCFGFUN and you will not find this in the documentation. That is because the CORE-V-MCU User Manual is a user's document, not an RTL designers document.

Lastly, we are in the process of creating a significant update to the CORE-V-MCU User Manual, and your questions are most welcome. If you have the time and interest, perhaps you would be willing to help out - let me know!

MikeOpenHWGroup commented 1 year ago

I hope this answers your question @mbaykenar. If it does, please close this issue. If you have another question, feel free to create a new issue. We try hard not to resolve multiple bugs/questions in a single issue.


mbaykenar commented 1 year ago

@MikeOpenHWGroup thanks a lot for your time and detailed answers. I understand that the documentation is an ongoing process, I am working on core-v-mcu nowadays to understand and modify the architecture for a commercial design.

Just a note, I don't think my question is related to "APB SoC Event Controller" but rather related to "APB SoC Controller", whose base address is 0x1A104000. But anyways I got my answer, thanks a lot.

Regarding to the contribution or helping core-v-mcu, I will be honoured to be in such a position. I will sent a personal email to you
