Closed lfernand4 closed 6 years ago
Even I am seeing the same issue. I do see in the Makefile that the C-code is compiled using the vlog command only:
# build TBs
$(library)/.build-tb: $(dpi) $(tbs)
# Compile top level with DPI headers
vlog$(questa_version) -sv $(tbs) -work $(library) $(filter %.c, $(dpi)) -ccflags "-g -std=c++11 " -dpiheader tb/dpi/elfdpi.h
touch $(library)/.build-tb
Questasim should have been able to load the compiled .so files automatically but for some reason it is not doing that. As a work around to get things working, I did the following:
g++ -c -fPIC -m64 -std=c++0x -I$QUESTASIM_HOME/include -shared -o elf_dpi.o -c
g++ -shared -m64 -o elf_dpi.o
simc: build
vsim${questa_version} -64 -c -lib ${library} ${top_level}_optimized +max-cycles=$(max_cycles) +UVM_TESTNAME=${test_case} \
+BASEDIR=$(riscv-test-dir) $(uvm-flags) +ASMTEST=$(riscv-test) -coverage -classdebug -sv_lib ariane_core/ariane/tb/dpi/elf_dpi -do "do tb/wave/
(you might have to update the absolute path to ariane/tb/dpi/elf_dpi
With the above hack I was able to get it working. The correct fix should enable questasim to included those libraries without doing a separate g++ compile.
Thanks for explanations. Now I want to run dhrystone, do you know how to do it ? I have compiled in .elf (.riscv). I feel I need a .hex. It is correct ?
Yes, I've added some documentation on that in the
elf2hex 8 2097152 elf_file.riscv 2147483648 > elf_file.riscv.hex`
@raulbehl Thanks for clarifying the issue with DPI. I think I will investigate a better approach to that, considering something like you did (not using Questa for it).
@zarubaf thank you for the comment. Along with the DPI change, the vsim command in the Makefile also needs the "-64" option passed to it. Otherwise questa complains that the code was compiled with 64-bit support but is not simulated with it.
Also, would it be okay if I add the above mentioned changes to handle DPI calls in the Makefile and open a pull request for the same? You could then add your fixes on top of it assuming those are on the similar lines.
I have generate Dhrystone.riscv.elf and Dhrystone.riscv.hex.
command :
vsim -lib work core_tb_optimized "+UVM_TESTNAME=core_test" "+BASEDIR=/prj/xpuips/riscv/riscv-tools/riscv-tests/benchmarks" "+ASMTEST=dhrystone.riscv" "+UVM_NO_RELNOTES" "+UVM_VERBOSITY=HIGH" -coverage -classdebug -sv_lib tb/dpi/elf_dpi -do "do tb/wave/"
I have this error in questasim :
How can I solve this error ? where does it come from ?
Thanks in advance.
@lfernand4 See issue #7 @raulbehl I would be more than happy to accept such a PR. Thanks!
I have build the TB and module with questasim 10.6c_3. I start the simulation : make simc (without GUI)
I have the following warning :
Now I run (run -a) :
How can I solve this error ? where does it come from ? I have only add -64 in the scipt.
Thanks in advance.