openhwgroup / cva6

The CORE-V CVA6 is an Application class 6-stage RISC-V CPU capable of booting Linux
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[TASK] Implement CSR flow: CSR documentation using templating => UVM_reg => test and coverage generation #1692

Open JeanRochCoulon opened 11 months ago

JeanRochCoulon commented 11 months ago

Is there an existing CVA6 task for this?

Task Description

The CSR IP-XACT master documentation should contain all CSR information. According to the configuration (embedded, step1,...), several files are generated: CSR documentation (IP-XACT, md, rst,... views) , system verilog containing information for UVM_reg. From it, UVM_reg generates functional coverage and CSR tests.

Required Changes

Add to the CVA6 repository:

Current Status

The first generation of the scripts exist, but the code style need to be reviewed. UVM_reg and all the flow generation need to be committed. Nice to be: add a dedicated job in CI.


IP-XACT is not easy to edit. Be innovative to find a solution !


First version of the flow

KPI (KEY Performance Indicators)

100% CSR code and fucntional coverage

Description of Done

CI job integrated in CI

Associated PRs

No response

JeanRochCoulon commented 11 months ago
