openhwgroup / programs

Documentation for the OpenHW Group's set of CORE-V RISC-V cores
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Difficult Navigation #645

Open silabs-robin opened 6 months ago

silabs-robin commented 6 months ago


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I was looking for the 40p signoff checklist, and the signoff checklist template, etc, but it was very difficult to locate (even when I knew approximately what I was looking for). In general, I don't understand this repo, neither the top-level directories nor any sub-level. The result (I think) is that this repo often gets ignored or avoided. I am posting this not to vent or to complain, but because I think it could be useful for the openhwgroup to be aware of the problem (and if deemed beneficial, also change it).

See also:

MikeOpenHWGroup commented 6 months ago

Thanks for the feedback @silabs-robin. This repository has multiple uses and obviously does not serve those who are interested in sign-off checklists. Part of the reason for that is that there is only one example of a completed TRL-5 sign-off.

Question for you and @DBees: would it make sense to move the signoff material to its own top-level directory? So rather than programs/Project-Descriptions-and-Plans/CV32E40Pv1/Milestone-data, we would have programs/Milestone-Signoff/CV32E40Pv1.

In this way, anything related to Project descriptions, etc. would stay in it's own top-level directory and anything related to Signoff would be in a separate top-level directory.

DBees commented 6 months ago

That's ok for me @MikeOpenHWGroup @silabs-robin . I can see why it is felt to be buried. I'll move the data via pull request.

MikeOpenHWGroup commented 6 months ago

Thanks @DBees. Let's leave this Issue open until your PR happens.

silabs-robin commented 6 months ago

I can show you how I read the top-level:

DBees commented 6 months ago

@silabs-robin Thanks a lot for the feedback on the content here. I'm delighted to have any suggestions you make and consider how to make this repo more helpful to you and other participants.

Your points:

Project-Descriptions-and-Plans "Some administrative openhw stuff, not relevant for me"

This is a set of of directories, each of which corresponds to an OpenHW project. For each project, we have the Project Concept (the initial project idea and motivation to take the project on) and subsequent project gates. OpenHW is member-driven, and the members decide which projects to accept. They also assess projects' progress leading up to release. As member of OpenHW, I hope this is relevant for you. Can you consider attending the TWG meetings (held on the 4th Tuesday of each month) to participate in this?

TGs "Some administrative openhw stuff, not relevant for me"

The intent here is to provide a place for monthly project reports, organized by TG.

TWG-and-TG-Attendance-Tracking "Meeting attendance tracking, not relevant for me"

TWG "Some administrative openhw stuff, not relevant for me" dashboard "Maybe we have some CI/CD dashboard and this is a user guide, or maybe its an overview of openhw project status" docs

An OpenHW project dashboard. We could call this "OpenHW-Project-Dashboard" if that is more meaningful.

"Maybe shows newbeginners what openhw is and gives an overview of projects and repos" process "Here I might find "sign-off checklists", because that is a standardized process." program "Some administrative openhw stuff, not relevant for me"

Can we sync up with a meeting over zoom? Duncan