openid / AppAuth-JS

JavaScript client SDK for communicating with OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect providers.
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RedirectRequestHandler performAuthorizationRequest method - How to safely pass base64 encoded string as query parameter value? #220

Open jbdoster opened 1 year ago

jbdoster commented 1 year ago

Expected Behavior

Given a key/value pair preselectedExternalProvider: "YmFzZTY0IHN0cmluZyB2YWx1ZQ==" is passed into the extras scope of the AuthorizationRequest constructor When the RedirectRequestHandler calls buildRequestUrl Then the query parameter in the URL is &preselectedExternalProvider=YmFzZTY0IHN0cmluZyB2YWx1ZQ==

[REQUIRED] Describe expected behavior

I expect base64 strings to be passed as query parameters safely (without special character encoding)

Describe the problem

The == delimiter is being encoded in the authorization request URL created by buildRequestUrl within the performAuthorizationRequest call

[REQUIRED] Actual Behavior

Given a key/value pair preselectedExternalProvider: "YmFzZTY0IHN0cmluZyB2YWx1ZQ==" is passed into the extras scope of the AuthorizationRequest constructor When the RedirectRequestHandler calls buildRequestUrl Then the query parameter in the URL is &preselectedExternalProvider=YmFzZTY0IHN0cmluZyB2YWx1ZQ%3D%3D

[REQUIRED] Steps to reproduce the behavior

  1. Construct the authorization request using the AuthorizationRequest constructor a. add this key/value pair in the extras scope: preselectedExternalProvider: "YmFzZTY0IHN0cmluZyB2YWx1ZQ=="
  2. Use this request and call performAuthorizationRequest
  3. Check the preselectedExternalProvider query parameter's value in the network tab after being redirected

[REQUIRED] Environment

jbdoster commented 1 year ago

I guess really it would be part of this util:

We could first test if the string value input[key] is base64 encoded, and if so, assign the value without encoding