openid / AppAuth-JS

JavaScript client SDK for communicating with OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect providers.
Apache License 2.0
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Tests fail with TypeError on Chrome 62 / Mac OS High Sierra #39

Closed juriwiens closed 6 years ago

juriwiens commented 6 years ago

I've installed Running npm test on the current unmodifed master branch commit fails on my system with this message:

> @openid/appauth@0.2.4 pretest /Users/juri.wiens/code/forks/AppAuth-JS
> npm run-script compile

> @openid/appauth@0.2.4 precompile /Users/juri.wiens/code/forks/AppAuth-JS
> npm run-script clean && npm run-script format

> @openid/appauth@0.2.4 clean /Users/juri.wiens/code/forks/AppAuth-JS
> rm -rf built

> @openid/appauth@0.2.4 format /Users/juri.wiens/code/forks/AppAuth-JS
> clang-format -i -style=file --glob=src/**.ts

ran clang-format on 28 files

> @openid/appauth@0.2.4 compile /Users/juri.wiens/code/forks/AppAuth-JS
> tsc

> @openid/appauth@0.2.4 test /Users/juri.wiens/code/forks/AppAuth-JS
> karma start karma.conf --browsers=Chrome --single-run=false --debug

14 11 2017 09:05:51.896:INFO [framework.browserify]: registering rebuild (autoWatch=true)
14 11 2017 09:05:56.268:INFO [framework.browserify]: 8251981 bytes written (3.61 seconds)
14 11 2017 09:05:56.380:INFO [framework.browserify]: bundle built
14 11 2017 09:05:56.418:WARN [karma]: No captured browser, open http://localhost:9876/
14 11 2017 09:05:56.422:INFO [karma]: Karma v1.7.1 server started at
14 11 2017 09:05:56.423:INFO [launcher]: Launching browser Chrome with unlimited concurrency
14 11 2017 09:05:56.428:INFO [launcher]: Starting browser Chrome
14 11 2017 09:05:57.449:INFO [Chrome 62.0.3202 (Mac OS X 10.13.1)]: Connected on socket KdzoyPcgH4y0Gx6lAAAA with id 9692561
Chrome 62.0.3202 (Mac OS X 10.13.1) ERROR
  Uncaught TypeError: Class extends value undefined is not a constructor or null
  at /var/folders/bt/l6qbmy414p911hf26bz1jxb00000gp/T/node_modules/shot/lib/response.js:14:0 <- /var/folders/bt/l6qbmy414p911hf26bz1jxb00000gp/T/312a06091e8b2b36a6b0d7b7b2625648.browserify:85524

My system:

Meligy commented 6 years ago

This doesn't seem to be reproducible in so it probably fixes it.

Can you please clone and try to run the tests in master there?

juriwiens commented 6 years ago

@Meligy The tests run successfully on your fork. Chrome 62.0.3202 (Mac OS X 10.13.1): Executed 27 of 27 SUCCESS (0.031 secs / 0.01 secs)

Meligy commented 6 years ago

Cool. Thanks a lot for checking.

We probably need to document what commands are required for doing a PR (and publishing to registry of course), like npm run prepare and npm test (which probably should be part of npm run prepare too with a --single-run), but that's after closing