openid / AppAuth-iOS

iOS and macOS SDK for communicating with OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect providers.
Apache License 2.0
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AppAuth v1.7.4: Cocoapods warning becase new `"xcconfig": { "DEFINES_MODULE": "YES" }` on podspec file #850

Closed pmanuelli closed 2 months ago

pmanuelli commented 2 months ago


We integrate AppAuth using Cocoapods. After upgrading AppAuth to version 1.7.4 (via updating GoogleSignIn to version 7.1.0) we are getting the following warning:

[!] The `MyTarget` target overrides the `DEFINES_MODULE` build setting defined in `Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-base-MyProjectBase-MyProject/Pods-base-MyProjectBase-MyProject.debug.xcconfig'. This can lead to problems with the CocoaPods installation
    - Use the `$(inherited)` flag, or
    - Remove the build settings from the target.

Is this change intended? Maybe you wanted to use pod_target_xcconfig instead of xcconfig on the podspec file?

Thank you!

mdmathias commented 2 months ago

Hi! I saw the gtm-session-fetcher issue: I tried to reproduce this warning but was not able to. Out of curiosity, can you give me repro steps? Thanks!