openimsdk / helm-charts

helm charts repository for openim
Apache License 2.0
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feat(github): test and optimize openim helm charts actions and add auto #68

Closed cubxxw closed 6 months ago

cubxxw commented 6 months ago

Signed-off-by: Xinwei Xiong (cubxxw)

πŸ” What type of PR is this?

πŸ‘€ What this PR does / why we need it:

πŸ…° Which issue(s) this PR fixes:

Fixes #

πŸ“ Special notes for your reviewer:

🎯 Describe how to verify it

πŸ“‘ Additional documentation e.g., RFC, notion, Google docs, usage docs, etc.:

github-actions[bot] commented 6 months ago

sweep-ai[bot] commented 6 months ago

Apply Sweep Rules to your PR?

github-actions[bot] commented 6 months ago

github-actions[bot] commented 6 months ago


github-actions[bot] commented 6 months ago

github-actions[bot] commented 6 months ago

github-actions[bot] commented 6 months ago

github-actions[bot] commented 6 months ago

github-actions[bot] commented 6 months ago

github-actions[bot] commented 6 months ago

github-actions[bot] commented 6 months ago

github-actions[bot] commented 6 months ago

github-actions[bot] commented 6 months ago

kubbot commented 6 months ago

Current branch is feat/optimize-github-actions. (execution 7437245049 / attempt 1)

kubbot commented 6 months ago

Kubernetes Resources in openim Namespace

openim namespaces get pods ```markdown NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE im-kafka-controller-0 0/1 Pending 0 6m2s im-kafka-controller-1 0/1 Pending 0 6m2s im-kafka-controller-2 0/1 Pending 0 6m2s im-kafka-provisioning-pvn4j 0/1 Init:0/1 2 (73s ago) 6m2s imadminfront-openim-admin-688b6898bf-jwd2z 0/1 ContainerCreating 0 59s imwebfront-openim-web-859dcdcdfd-4cs64 0/1 ContainerCreating 0 59s my-release-mysql-0 0/1 Pending 0 6m2s openimchat-admin-api-7f6b569746-22tnm 0/1 ContainerCreating 0 60s openimchat-admin-rpc-6d7cf976fc-rjh7n 0/1 ContainerCreating 0 60s openimchat-chat-api-ff85f7ffc-d59vl 0/1 ContainerCreating 0 60s openimchat-chat-rpc-857f79bdcd-lr29f 0/1 ContainerCreating 0 60s openimserver-openim-api-77965bc87f-vvckr 0/1 Error 0 61s openimserver-openim-msggateway-0 0/1 ContainerCreating 0 61s openimserver-openim-msggateway-proxy-8446d5694d-4fkt9 1/1 Running 0 61s openimserver-openim-msgtransfer-6cb7b577c-jfzg8 0/1 ContainerCreating 0 61s openimserver-openim-push-74984df897-l647s 0/1 ContainerCreating 0 61s openimserver-openim-rpc-auth-84d97fcf77-h6bvs 0/1 ContainerCreating 0 61s openimserver-openim-rpc-conversation-84b5c8c74d-msvsx 0/1 Error 0 61s openimserver-openim-rpc-friend-6668f7bd75-bq4fc 0/1 ContainerCreating 0 61s openimserver-openim-rpc-group-d844d448-prh96 0/1 Error 0 61s openimserver-openim-rpc-msg-6745b6487d-dgts2 0/1 Error 0 61s openimserver-openim-rpc-third-5db55745d6-p7b8r 0/1 ContainerCreating 0 61s openimserver-openim-rpc-user-65ddc8f45b-j5rgz 0/1 ContainerCreating 0 61s ```
openim namespaces get deployments ```markdown NAME READY UP-TO-DATE AVAILABLE AGE imadminfront-openim-admin 0/1 1 0 60s imwebfront-openim-web 0/1 1 0 60s openimchat-admin-api 0/1 1 0 61s openimchat-admin-rpc 0/1 1 0 61s openimchat-chat-api 0/1 1 0 61s openimchat-chat-rpc 0/1 1 0 61s openimserver-openim-api 0/1 1 0 61s openimserver-openim-msggateway-proxy 1/1 1 1 61s openimserver-openim-msgtransfer 0/1 1 0 61s openimserver-openim-push 0/1 1 0 61s openimserver-openim-rpc-auth 0/1 1 0 61s openimserver-openim-rpc-conversation 0/1 1 0 61s openimserver-openim-rpc-friend 0/1 1 0 61s openimserver-openim-rpc-group 0/1 1 0 61s openimserver-openim-rpc-msg 0/1 1 0 61s openimserver-openim-rpc-third 0/1 1 0 61s openimserver-openim-rpc-user 0/1 1 0 61s ```
openim namespaces get services ```markdown NAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE im-kafka ClusterIP 9092/TCP 6m2s im-kafka-controller-headless ClusterIP None 9094/TCP,9092/TCP,9093/TCP 6m2s imadminfront-openim-admin ClusterIP 80/TCP 60s imwebfront-openim-web ClusterIP 80/TCP 60s my-release-mysql ClusterIP 3306/TCP 6m2s my-release-mysql-headless ClusterIP None 3306/TCP 6m2s openimchat-admin-api ClusterIP 80/TCP 61s openimchat-admin-rpc ClusterIP 80/TCP 61s openimchat-chat-api ClusterIP 80/TCP 61s openimchat-chat-rpc ClusterIP 80/TCP 61s openimserver-openim-api ClusterIP 80/TCP,90/TCP 61s openimserver-openim-msggateway ClusterIP 80/TCP,88/TCP,90/TCP 61s openimserver-openim-msggateway-headless ClusterIP None 80/TCP,88/TCP,90/TCP 61s openimserver-openim-msggateway-proxy ClusterIP 80/TCP,88/TCP,90/TCP 61s openimserver-openim-msgtransfer ClusterIP 80/TCP,90/TCP 61s openimserver-openim-push ClusterIP 80/TCP,90/TCP 61s openimserver-openim-rpc-auth ClusterIP 80/TCP,90/TCP 61s openimserver-openim-rpc-conversation ClusterIP 80/TCP,90/TCP 61s openimserver-openim-rpc-friend ClusterIP 80/TCP,90/TCP 61s openimserver-openim-rpc-group ClusterIP 80/TCP,90/TCP 61s openimserver-openim-rpc-msg ClusterIP 80/TCP,90/TCP 61s openimserver-openim-rpc-third ClusterIP 80/TCP,90/TCP 61s openimserver-openim-rpc-user ClusterIP 80/TCP,90/TCP 61s ```
openim namespaces get replicasets ```markdown NAME DESIRED CURRENT READY AGE imadminfront-openim-admin-688b6898bf 1 1 0 59s imwebfront-openim-web-859dcdcdfd 1 1 0 60s openimchat-admin-api-7f6b569746 1 1 0 60s openimchat-admin-rpc-6d7cf976fc 1 1 0 60s openimchat-chat-api-ff85f7ffc 1 1 0 60s openimchat-chat-rpc-857f79bdcd 1 1 0 60s openimserver-openim-api-77965bc87f 1 1 0 61s openimserver-openim-msggateway-proxy-8446d5694d 1 1 1 61s openimserver-openim-msgtransfer-6cb7b577c 1 1 0 61s openimserver-openim-push-74984df897 1 1 0 61s openimserver-openim-rpc-auth-84d97fcf77 1 1 0 61s openimserver-openim-rpc-conversation-84b5c8c74d 1 1 0 61s openimserver-openim-rpc-friend-6668f7bd75 1 1 0 61s openimserver-openim-rpc-group-d844d448 1 1 0 61s openimserver-openim-rpc-msg-6745b6487d 1 1 0 61s openimserver-openim-rpc-third-5db55745d6 1 1 0 61s openimserver-openim-rpc-user-65ddc8f45b 1 1 0 61s ```
openim namespaces get statefulsets ```markdown NAME READY AGE im-kafka-controller 0/3 6m2s my-release-mysql 0/1 6m2s openimserver-openim-msggateway 0/1 61s ```
openim namespaces get configmaps ```markdown NAME DATA AGE im-kafka-controller-configuration 1 6m2s im-kafka-scripts 1 6m2s imchat-cm 1 61s kube-root-ca.crt 1 6m28s my-release-mysql 1 6m2s openim-cm 2 61s ```
openim namespaces get secrets ```markdown NAME TYPE DATA AGE im-kafka-kraft-cluster-id Opaque 1 6m2s im-kafka-user-passwords Opaque 4 6m2s my-release-mysql Opaque 2 6m2s 1 6m2s sh.helm.release.v1.imadminfront.v1 1 60s sh.helm.release.v1.imwebfront.v1 1 60s 1 6m2s sh.helm.release.v1.openimchat.v1 1 61s sh.helm.release.v1.openimserver.v1 1 61s ```