openimsdk / openim-reactnative-demo

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[BUG] createImageMessageFromFullPath return empty #19

Open neilzhengzx opened 1 month ago

neilzhengzx commented 1 month ago

OpenIM Server Version

open-im-sdk-rn 3.5.1-rc.2

Operating System and CPU Architecture

macOS (ARM)

Deployment Method

Source Code Deployment

Bug Description and Steps to Reproduce

new demo release String message = Open_im_sdk.createImageMessageFromFullPath(operationID, imagePath); message get ""

Screenshots Link

No response

oudi commented 1 month ago


Open_im_sdk.createImageMessageFromFullPath(operationID, imagePath) return empty cause JSON parse error.

pc web works well, only error in RN version.

lgz5689 commented 1 month ago

What parameters did you pass in

neilzhengzx commented 1 month ago

in this project -> Footer.tsx -> selectImage , const message = await OpenIMSDKRN.createImageMessageFromFullPath(originalPath, "qwertyuiop");

lgz5689 commented 1 month ago

It works fine on the emulator

{"clientMsgID": "abab7f7b32e5b0ab8558fd3e58b04afd", "contentType": 102, "createTime": 1717468074338, "isRead": false, "msgFrom": 100, "pictureElem": {"sourcePath": "/sdcard/.transforms/synthetic/picker/0/", "sourcePicture": {"height": 1920, "size": 0, "type": "image/jpeg", "width": 1440}}, "sendID": "7733257624", "sendTime": 1717468074338, "senderNickname": "17500000001", "senderPlatformID": 2, "seq": 0, "sessionType": 0, "status": 1}

Verify the originalPath content when using the real machine

neilzhengzx commented 1 month ago

测试是权限未申请,修改后可以收到回调. 但图片稍大一点,app会崩溃:

try {
      const granted = await PermissionsAndroid.requestMultiple([
      if (
        granted[PermissionsAndroid.PERMISSIONS.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE] === PermissionsAndroid.RESULTS.GRANTED &&
        granted[PermissionsAndroid.PERMISSIONS.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE] === PermissionsAndroid.RESULTS.GRANTED
      ) {
        const response = await launchImageLibrary({
          mediaType: "photo",
          selectionLimit: 1,
        if (response.didCancel || response.errorCode) return;
        if (response.assets && response.assets.length > 0) {
          let { originalPath } = response.assets[0];
          if (originalPath) {
            const message = await OpenIMSDKRN.createImageMessageFromFullPath(originalPath, "qwertyuiop");
            console.log("return message:" + message);
            sendMessage({ message });
      } else {
        console.log("not allow permission");
    } catch (err) {
lgz5689 commented 1 month ago

About how many MB?try to use Android Studio collect logs

neilzhengzx commented 4 weeks ago

image size 277kb: options: { "recvID": "6491348764", "groupID": "", "message": { "seq": 0, "contentType": 102, "clientMsgID": "0b486acaec2fd29270ddf5c210565df9", "senderFaceUrl": "https://*/api/object/6374389285/image_cropper_1717056293429.jpg", "sendTime": 1718095579317, "sendID": "6374389285", "senderPlatformID": 2, "isRead": false, "pictureElem": { "sourcePath": "/storage/emulated/0/Pictures/Screenshots/Screenshot_20240110_164848.jpg", "sourcePicture": { "height": 1600, "type": "image/jpeg", "width": 720, "size": 0 } }, "status": 1, "msgFrom": 100, "sessionType": 0, "createTime": 1718095579317, "senderNickname": "openimtest" } }

api: const successMessage = await OpenIMSDKRN.sendMessage(options, "opid");

err: { "nativeStackAndroid": [], "userInfo": null, "message": "500 invalid multipart upload id: unexpected end of JSON input invalid multipart upload id: unexpected end of JSON input", "code": "500" }

c2pc commented 1 week ago

I have the same error!

error [Error: 500 ServerInternalError invalid multipart upload id: unexpected end of JSON input]

Have you fixed the error?

lgz5689 commented 1 week ago