opening-up-chatgpt /

Tracking instruction-tuned LLM openness. Paper: Liesenfeld, Andreas, Alianda Lopez, and Mark Dingemanse. 2023. “Opening up ChatGPT: Tracking Openness, Transparency, and Accountability in Instruction-Tuned Text Generators.” In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Conversational User Interfaces. doi:10.1145/3571884.3604316.
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Add Storm 7B ? #91

Open mdingemanse opened 1 month ago

mdingemanse commented 1 month ago

We released Storm-7B, the first open-source language model comparable to the GPT-4 series on the AlpacaEval 2.0 leaderboard, ranking 3rd in length-controlled win rate.

The recipe for this model is simple: 1) fine-tuning from Openchat-3.5-0106, 2) applying iterative DPO training, a variant of DPO where a language model iteratively learns from the preferences of the trained reward model. We will release our technical report and code as soon as possible.

Slight doubt whether this qualifies as an instruction-tuned model; no details available yet.

liesenf commented 1 month ago

“Fine-tuning from openchat”- does that qualify? Not enough detail here to judge I would say.