openipcamera / openipc-firmware

OpenIPC Firmware for Wyze Cameras
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WyzeCam V2 OpenIPC Firmware Issues #101

Open mpearon opened 5 years ago

mpearon commented 5 years ago

Hello! I'm attempting to install the OpenIPC firmware on my brand new WyzeCam V2. Here are the steps I'm taking:

  1. Download repo.
  2. Extract Repo
  3. Copy contents of /firmware_mod/v2/ to freshly formatted SD
  4. Adjust network values
  5. Power Off camera
  6. Hold Setup for 6 seconds
  7. Plug in camera
  8. Wait until light turns solid (~30 seconds)
  9. Release Setup

This results in the camera sometimes going to the "Ready to Setup" prompts and sometimes just returning to the normal programming and I'm able to view it in the app. I have tried three different SD cards - two different brands. Any ideas for me?

Grey-Lancaster commented 5 years ago

It seems to be picky about the sd cards. In the normal wsye app make sure it can see your sd card. if not format the card with rufus (windows) uncheck/do not install any boot files you have to rename any/all files in the config folder without the.dist (remove .dist) use notepad++ to edit the wifi config file wpa whatever i also deleted the wpa_sup...dist file so I only have the one that is needed so far I can only get it to work with the give wpa-psk security