openipcamera / openipc-firmware

OpenIPC Firmware for Wyze Cameras
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changing password does not work (wyzecam v2) #84

Open chillilight opened 5 years ago

chillilight commented 5 years ago


just got the Wyzecam V2 2 days ago and used the latest openipc release.

I changed the password (default: ismart12) in the file HTPASSWD.CONF (folder CONFIG) to something different. SD Card back and in camera is online. When then logging into the webinterface it does not accept the new password, it still takes the old default ismart12. I looked but could not find a solution for it.

Thanks for help. CL

CEatonTX commented 5 years ago

I am also having this issue Wyzecam V2 9/20/18, cannot change the default password by editing the file.

joemulray commented 5 years ago


balance82 commented 5 years ago

Hi all, what I notice that it is still using your old root password root/ismart12 on your local network even if you changed host and password files. But if you are trying to connect from outside you need to use new password and host. In my example when I am trying to add this camera to my surveillance station on my Synology NAS, I have to use new password. It wont work with old one. On the same time it doesn't take my new login info on local network. I cannot explain why.

jamman9000 commented 5 years ago

I'm curious what the password is hashed with in the htpasswd.conf file. I'd like to change the local default pw but I see this may still be an issue. Maybe when it's fixed I can just reflash.