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[PRE REVIEW]: swyft: Truncated Marginal Neural Ratio Estimation in Python #4086

Closed whedon closed 2 years ago

whedon commented 2 years ago

Submitting author: !--author-handle-->@bkmi<!--end-author-handle-- (Benjamin Miller) Repository: Branch with (empty if default branch): Version: v0.3.0 Editor: !--editor-->@pdebuyl<!--end-editor-- Reviewers: @mattpitkin, @olgadoronina Managing EiC: Kyle Niemeyer

:warning: JOSS reduced service mode :warning:

Due to the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, JOSS is currently operating in a "reduced service mode". You can read more about what that means in our blog post.



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Author instructions

Thanks for submitting your paper to JOSS @bkmi. Currently, there isn't an JOSS editor assigned to your paper.

The author's suggestion for the handling editor is @fabian-s.

@bkmi if you have any suggestions for potential reviewers then please mention them here in this thread (without tagging them with an @). In addition, this list of people have already agreed to review for JOSS and may be suitable for this submission (please start at the bottom of the list).

Editor instructions

The JOSS submission bot @whedon is here to help you find and assign reviewers and start the main review. To find out what @whedon can do for you type:

@whedon commands
whedon commented 2 years ago

Hello human, I'm @whedon, a robot that can help you with some common editorial tasks.

:warning: JOSS reduced service mode :warning:

Due to the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, JOSS is currently operating in a "reduced service mode". You can read more about what that means in our blog post.

For a list of things I can do to help you, just type:

@whedon commands

For example, to regenerate the paper pdf after making changes in the paper's md or bib files, type:

@whedon generate pdf
whedon commented 2 years ago

PDF failed to compile for issue #4086 with the following error:

 Can't find any papers to compile :-(
whedon commented 2 years ago
Software report (experimental): v 1.88  T=0.27 s (351.0 files/s, 55180.3 lines/s)
Language                     files          blank        comment           code
Python                          47           1185           1114           5290
Jupyter Notebook                14              0           4630            968
reStructuredText                22            250            310            683
YAML                             5             20             28            108
Markdown                         1             27              0             65
TeX                              2              1              0             32
DOS Batch                        1              8              1             26
make                             1              4              6             10
TOML                             1              2              0              8
SUM:                            94           1497           6089           7190

Statistical information for the repository 'd097089d6367bf54d7697b7c' was
gathered on 2022/01/21.
The following historical commit information, by author, was found:

Author                     Commits    Insertions      Deletions    % of changes
Adam Coogan                      2            36              7            0.05
Alex Cole                        9         15279            251           17.62
Christoph Weniger              274         13891          13242           30.78
Francesco Nattino               74          1919           1397            3.76
Meiert Grootes                   2            37             37            0.08
acole1221                        8           379            145            0.59
bkmi                           198         14898          24841           45.08
rogerkuou                       27           976            823            2.04

Below are the number of rows from each author that have survived and are still
intact in the current revision:

Author                     Rows      Stability          Age       % in comments
Adam Coogan                  20           55.6          7.1                0.00
Alex Cole                    14            0.1         11.5                0.00
Christoph Weniger           937            6.7          8.2               19.64
Francesco Nattino           946           49.3          4.5                6.77
bkmi                       5384           36.1          3.7                4.87
rogerkuou                   288           29.5          5.9                1.74
kyleniemeyer commented 2 years ago

Hi @bkmi, is your JOSS paper located in a particular branch? Our bot (and I) can't seem to find it.

danielskatz commented 2 years ago

@whedon generate pdf from branch joss-submission-do-not-delete

whedon commented 2 years ago
Attempting PDF compilation from custom branch joss-submission-do-not-delete. Reticulating splines etc...
danielskatz commented 2 years ago

@whedon check references from branch joss-submission-do-not-delete

whedon commented 2 years ago
Attempting to check references... from custom branch joss-submission-do-not-delete
whedon commented 2 years ago

:point_right::page_facing_up: Download article proof :page_facing_up: View article proof on GitHub :page_facing_up: :point_left:

whedon commented 2 years ago
Reference check summary (note 'MISSING' DOIs are suggestions that need verification):


- 10.1038/s41586-020-2649-2 is OK
- 10.1038/s41592-019-0686-2 is OK
- 10.21105/joss.03021 is OK
- 10.1109/MCSE.2007.55 is OK
- 10.5281/zenodo.3509134 is OK
-  10.25080/Majora-92bf1922-00a  is OK
- 10.5281/zenodo.5712786 is OK
- 10.21105/joss.02505 is OK
- 10.21105/joss.00011 is OK
- 10.1093/bioinformatics/bty361 is OK
- 10.1145/3093172.3093233 is OK
- 10.1051/0004-6361/201322971 is OK
- 10.1214/aos/1176346785 is OK
- 10.1093/genetics/145.2.505 is OK


- 10.1093/mnras/stz1960 may be a valid DOI for title: Fast likelihood-free cosmology with neural density estimators and active learning
- 10.1093/mnras/sty819 may be a valid DOI for title: Massive optimal data compression and density estimation for scalable, likelihood-free inference in cosmology
- 10.1093/mnras/stz1900 may be a valid DOI for title: Nuisance hardened data compression for fast likelihood-free inference
- 10.1002/sta4.56 may be a valid DOI for title: A note on approximating ABC-MCMC using flexible classifiers
- 10.1214/20-ba1238 may be a valid DOI for title: Likelihood-free inference by ratio estimation
- 10.1007/s11222-017-9738-6 may be a valid DOI for title: Likelihood-free inference via classification
- 10.1214/06-ba127 may be a valid DOI for title: Nested sampling for general Bayesian computation
- 10.1111/j.1365-2966.2007.12353.x may be a valid DOI for title: Multimodal nested sampling: an efficient and robust alternative to Markov Chain Monte Carlo methods for astronomical data analyses
- 10.1111/j.1365-2966.2009.14548.x may be a valid DOI for title: MultiNest: an efficient and robust Bayesian inference tool for cosmology and particle physics
- 10.1093/mnras/stv1911 may be a valid DOI for title: polychord : next-generation nested sampling
- 10.1007/s11222-018-9844-0 may be a valid DOI for title: Dynamic nested sampling: an improved algorithm for parameter estimation and evidence calculation
- 10.1214/18-ss120 may be a valid DOI for title: An approximate likelihood perspective on ABC methods
- 10.1098/rsif.2008.0172 may be a valid DOI for title: Approximate Bayesian computation scheme for parameter inference and model selection in dynamical systems
- 10.1111/j.2517-6161.1984.tb01290.x may be a valid DOI for title: Monte Carlo methods of inference for implicit statistical models
- 10.1007/s11222-009-9116-0 may be a valid DOI for title: Non-linear regression models for Approximate Bayesian Computation
- 10.2172/4390578 may be a valid DOI for title: Equation of State Calculations by Fast Computing Machines
- 10.1093/biomet/57.1.97 may be a valid DOI for title: Monte Carlo sampling methods using Markov chains and their applications


- None
kyleniemeyer commented 2 years ago

@danielskatz 😂 thanks, somehow I missed that branch...

kyleniemeyer commented 2 years ago

@bkmi you can disregard my above message! As we are getting started, though, please take a look at those missing DOI messages for your article.

kyleniemeyer commented 2 years ago

@whedon invite @fabian-s as editor

👋 @fabian-s can you edit this submission?

whedon commented 2 years ago

@fabian-s has been invited to edit this submission.

bkmi commented 2 years ago

Just saw this thread, sorry for the slow reply. I will certainly look at those missing DOIs ASAP, probably tomorrow morning!

fabian-s commented 2 years ago

Sorry for the late reply -- I'd rather not, since I don't know Python and the problem this package solves is outside my area of expertise.

bkmi commented 2 years ago

@whedon check references from branch joss-submission-do-not-delete

whedon commented 2 years ago
Attempting to check references... from custom branch joss-submission-do-not-delete
whedon commented 2 years ago
Reference check summary (note 'MISSING' DOIs are suggestions that need verification):


- 10.1038/s41586-020-2649-2 is OK
- 10.1038/s41592-019-0686-2 is OK
- 10.21105/joss.03021 is OK
- 10.1109/MCSE.2007.55 is OK
- 10.5281/zenodo.3509134 is OK
-  10.25080/Majora-92bf1922-00a  is OK
- 10.5281/zenodo.5712786 is OK
- 10.21105/joss.02505 is OK
- 10.21105/joss.00011 is OK
- 10.1093/bioinformatics/bty361 is OK
- 10.1145/3093172.3093233 is OK
- 10.1093/mnras/stz1960 is OK
- 10.1093/mnras/sty819 is OK
- 10.1093/mnras/stz1900 is OK
- 10.1002/sta4.56 is OK
- 10.1214/20-ba1238 is OK
- 10.1007/s11222-017-9738-6 is OK
- 10.1214/06-ba127 is OK
- 10.1111/j.1365-2966.2007.12353.x is OK
- 10.1111/j.1365-2966.2009.14548.x is OK
- 10.1093/mnras/stv1911 is OK
- 10.1051/0004-6361/201322971 is OK
- 10.1007/s11222-018-9844-0 is OK
- 10.1214/18-ss120 is OK
- 10.1098/rsif.2008.0172 is OK
- 10.1111/j.2517-6161.1984.tb01290.x is OK
- 10.1214/aos/1176346785 is OK
- 10.1093/genetics/145.2.505 is OK
- 10.1007/s11222-009-9116-0 is OK
- 10.2172/4390578 is OK
- 10.1093/biomet/57.1.97 is OK


- None


- None
bkmi commented 2 years ago

May I suggest @dfm as editor? If he's willing, of course.

arfon commented 2 years ago

@whedon invite @pdebuyl as editor

:wave: @pdebuyl – would you be willing to edit this submission for JOSS?

whedon commented 2 years ago

@pdebuyl has been invited to edit this submission.

pdebuyl commented 2 years ago

@whedon assign me as editor

whedon commented 2 years ago

OK, the editor is @pdebuyl

bkmi commented 2 years ago

Thanks for editing @pdebuyl!

pdebuyl commented 2 years ago

@whedon assign @mattpitkin as reviewer

whedon commented 2 years ago

OK, @mattpitkin is now a reviewer

bkmi commented 2 years ago

Thanks for reviewing @mattpitkin!

pdebuyl commented 2 years ago

@bkmi I am still looking out for a second reviewer, which is necessary to start the review. I contact reviewers by email most of the time, as many people do not read GitHub's notifications. I'll update you here of course when there is progress!

pdebuyl commented 2 years ago

@editorialbot add @olgadoronina as reviewer

editorialbot commented 2 years ago

@olgadoronina added to the reviewers list!

pdebuyl commented 2 years ago

@editorialbot start review

editorialbot commented 2 years ago

OK, I've started the review over in