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[PRE REVIEW]: MiscMetabar : a R packages to facilitate visualization and Reproducibility in metabarcoding analysis #5977

Closed editorialbot closed 10 months ago

editorialbot commented 10 months ago

Submitting author: !--author-handle-->@adrientaudiere<!--end-author-handle-- (Adrien Taudiere) Repository: Branch with (empty if default branch): Version: v0.5 Editor: !--editor-->@kellyrowland<!--end-editor-- Reviewers: @tkchafin, @iimog Managing EiC: Kevin M. Moerman



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Author instructions

Thanks for submitting your paper to JOSS @adrientaudiere. Currently, there isn't a JOSS editor assigned to your paper.

@adrientaudiere if you have any suggestions for potential reviewers then please mention them here in this thread (without tagging them with an @). You can search the list of people that have already agreed to review and may be suitable for this submission.

Editor instructions

The JOSS submission bot @editorialbot is here to help you find and assign reviewers and start the main review. To find out what @editorialbot can do for you type:

@editorialbot commands
editorialbot commented 10 months ago

Hello human, I'm @editorialbot, a robot that can help you with some common editorial tasks.

For a list of things I can do to help you, just type:

@editorialbot commands

For example, to regenerate the paper pdf after making changes in the paper's md or bib files, type:

@editorialbot generate pdf
editorialbot commented 10 months ago
Software report: v 1.88  T=0.11 s (642.0 files/s, 253962.1 lines/s)
Language                     files          blank        comment           code
SVG                             12              3              3          16193
R                               36            715           2438           5791
Markdown                         8            315              0            998
TeX                              1             38              0            362
Rmd                              8            161            287            214
YAML                             4             19             10            134
CSS                              1              1              0              9
SUM:                            70           1252           2738          23701

gitinspector failed to run statistical information for the repository
editorialbot commented 10 months ago

Wordcount for is 1012

editorialbot commented 10 months ago
Reference check summary (note 'MISSING' DOIs are suggestions that need verification):


- 10.21105/joss.03201 is OK
- 10.12688/f1000research.26669.2 is OK
- 10.1093/femsec/fiaa255 is OK
- 10.21203/ is OK
- 10.5281/zenodo.3923184 is OK
- 10.18129/B9.bioc.mia is OK
- 10.1186/s40104-022-00725-z is OK
- 10.21105/joss.01442 is OK
- 10.1007/s00248-021-01833-5 is OK


- 10.1101/2021.01.08.425760 may be a valid DOI for title: To denoise or to cluster, that is not the question: optimizing pipelines for COI metabarcoding and metaphylogeography
- 10.1101/2023.09.07.556680 may be a valid DOI for title: Effects of forest urbanization on the interplay between small mammal communities and their gut microbiota
- 10.1111/1462-2920.14764 may be a valid DOI for title: Improving eDNA-based protist diversity assessments using networks of amplicon sequence variants
- 10.1038/s41467-017-01312-x may be a valid DOI for title: Algorithm for post-clustering curation of DNA amplicon data yields reliable biodiversity estimates
- 10.1186/s12864-020-07126-4 may be a valid DOI for title: Daring to be differential: metabarcoding analysis of soil and plant-related microbial communities using amplicon sequence variants and operational taxonomical units
- 10.1016/j.funeco.2023.101274 may be a valid DOI for title: ITS alchemy: On the use of ITS as a DNA marker in fungal ecology
- 10.32388/rhq6vj may be a valid DOI for title: Basic local alignment search tool
- 10.21105/joss.02959 may be a valid DOI for title: The targets R package: a dynamic Make-like function-oriented pipeline toolkit for reproducibility and high-performance computing
- 10.1093/nar/gkad407 may be a valid DOI for title: MicrobiomeAnalyst 2.0: comprehensive statistical, functional and integrative analysis of microbiome data
- 10.1128/aem.02343-19 may be a valid DOI for title: Reintroducing mothur: 10 years later
- 10.1002/(issn)2637-4943 may be a valid DOI for title: Environmental dna
- 10.22541/au.163430390.04226544/v1 may be a valid DOI for title: Best practices in metabarcoding of fungi: From experimental design to results
- 10.1016/j.tree.2008.09.011 may be a valid DOI for title: DNA barcoding for ecologists
- 10.1016/j.xinn.2023.100388 may be a valid DOI for title: MicrobiotaProcess: A comprehensive R package for deep mining microbiome
- 10.21203/ may be a valid DOI for title: animalcules: interactive microbiome analytics and visualization in R
- 10.1016/j.funeco.2019.03.005 may be a valid DOI for title: Bioinformatics matters: The accuracy of plant and soil fungal community data is highly dependent on the metabarcoding pipeline
- 10.1038/nmeth.3869 may be a valid DOI for title: DADA2: High-resolution sample inference from Illumina amplicon data
- 10.1371/journal.pone.0061217 may be a valid DOI for title: phyloseq: An R package for reproducible interactive analysis and graphics of microbiome census data


- is INVALID because of '' prefix
editorialbot commented 10 months ago

:point_right::page_facing_up: Download article proof :page_facing_up: View article proof on GitHub :page_facing_up: :point_left:

editorialbot commented 10 months ago

Five most similar historical JOSS papers:

microViz: an R package for microbiome data visualization and statistics Submitting author: @david-barnett Handling editor: @lpantano (Active) Reviewers: @marypiper, @yoonjeongcha Similarity score: 0.8536

tidyqpcr: Quantitative PCR analysis in the tidyverse. Submitting author: @ewallace Handling editor: @arfon (Active) Reviewers: @arfon Similarity score: 0.8238

Generating CodeMeta Metadata for R Packages Submitting author: @cboettig Handling editor: @arfon (Active) Reviewers: @arfon Similarity score: 0.8228

rTASSEL: An R interface to TASSEL for analyzing genomic diversity Submitting author: @btmonier Handling editor: @fboehm (Active) Reviewers: @tkchafin, @tomsing1 Similarity score: 0.8222

phylosmith: an R-package for reproducible and efficient microbiome analysis with phyloseq-objects Submitting author: @schuyler-smith Handling editor: @karthik (Retired) Reviewers: @joey711 Similarity score: 0.8205

⚠️ Note to editors: If these papers look like they might be a good match, click through to the review issue for that paper and invite one or more of the authors before before considering asking the reviewers of these papers to review again for JOSS.

Kevin-Mattheus-Moerman commented 10 months ago

@adrientaudiere I am the AEiC on this track and here to help with initial steps. I will be looking for a handling editor next. Note however we have a bit of a backlog and many editors are currently preoccupied with other submissions. Hence it may take a bit longer than usual to find a handling editor.

For the moment, could you try to address the above potentially missing DOIs? Note if some of these references are not used in the paper please remove them from the bib file. Once you've made changes you can call @editorialbot check references here in a comment to check the DOIs again.

Kevin-Mattheus-Moerman commented 10 months ago

@editorialbot invite @jmschrei as editor

editorialbot commented 10 months ago

I'm sorry human, I don't understand that. You can see what commands I support by typing:

@editorialbot commands

Kevin-Mattheus-Moerman commented 10 months ago

@adrientaudiere could you please extend your README with more of an introduction (e.g. for a person new to this project) on what this work software is about? Just the sentence The goal of MiscMetabar is to complete the great packages dada2, phyloseq and targets leaves it a bit a puzzle, and one needs to either already know those other projects well or do some searching to try to understand it. Ideally folks new to your project read a paragraph or two and have a clear picture of what your project is about. For me it was even unclear what domain this addressed. So please, I highly recommend you add this.

jmschrei commented 10 months ago

Hi @Kevin-Mattheus-Moerman, sorry but I don't think I have time right now to handle this submission.

adrientaudiere commented 10 months ago

@editorialbot check references

editorialbot commented 10 months ago
Reference check summary (note 'MISSING' DOIs are suggestions that need verification):


- 10.32388/rhq6vj is OK
- 10.21105/joss.03201 is OK
- 10.1038/s41587-019-0209-9 is OK
- 10.21105/joss.03201 is OK
- 10.1038/nmeth.3869 is OK
- 10.18129/B9.bioc.mia is OK
- 10.1038/s41467-017-01312-x is OK
- 10.21105/joss.02959 is OK
- 10.21203/ is OK
- 10.5281/zenodo.3923184 is OK
- 10.1371/journal.pone.0061217 is OK
- 10.1016/j.funeco.2019.03.005 is OK
- 10.1186/s40104-022-00725-z is OK
- 10.1128/aem.02343-19 is OK
- 10.21105/joss.01442 is OK
- 10.1002/(issn)2637-4943 is OK
- 10.22541/au.163430390.04226544/v1 is OK
- 10.1016/j.tree.2008.09.011 is OK
- 10.1007/s00248-021-01833-5 is OK
- 10.1016/j.xinn.2023.100388 is OK


- None


- None
adrientaudiere commented 10 months ago

Hi @Kevin-Mattheus-Moerman, Thanks for the rapid feedback. I cleaned the references and added valid DOI. I also improved the README file with additional information, it was obviously necessary!

adrientaudiere commented 10 months ago

@editorialbot commands

editorialbot commented 10 months ago

Hello @adrientaudiere, here are the things you can ask me to do:

# List all available commands
@editorialbot commands

# Get a list of all editors's GitHub handles
@editorialbot list editors

# Check the references of the paper for missing DOIs
@editorialbot check references

# Perform checks on the repository
@editorialbot check repository

# Adds a checklist for the reviewer using this command
@editorialbot generate my checklist

# Set a value for branch
@editorialbot set joss-paper as branch

# Generates the pdf paper
@editorialbot generate pdf

# Generates a LaTeX preprint file
@editorialbot generate preprint

# Get a link to the complete list of reviewers
@editorialbot list reviewers
adrientaudiere commented 10 months ago

@editorialbot generate pdf

editorialbot commented 10 months ago

:point_right::page_facing_up: Download article proof :page_facing_up: View article proof on GitHub :page_facing_up: :point_left:

editorialbot commented 10 months ago

Five most similar historical JOSS papers:

microViz: an R package for microbiome data visualization and statistics Submitting author: @david-barnett Handling editor: @lpantano (Active) Reviewers: @marypiper, @yoonjeongcha Similarity score: 0.8591

tidyqpcr: Quantitative PCR analysis in the tidyverse. Submitting author: @ewallace Handling editor: @arfon (Active) Reviewers: @arfon Similarity score: 0.8262

phylosmith: an R-package for reproducible and efficient microbiome analysis with phyloseq-objects Submitting author: @schuyler-smith Handling editor: @karthik (Retired) Reviewers: @joey711 Similarity score: 0.8261

Generating CodeMeta Metadata for R Packages Submitting author: @cboettig Handling editor: @arfon (Active) Reviewers: @arfon Similarity score: 0.8235

Bedtoolsr: An R package for genomic data analysis and manipulation Submitting author: @dphansti Handling editor: @mgymrek (Retired) Reviewers: @nhejazi, @mikmaksi Similarity score: 0.8230

⚠️ Note to editors: If these papers look like they might be a good match, click through to the review issue for that paper and invite one or more of the authors before before considering asking the reviewers of these papers to review again for JOSS.

Kevin-Mattheus-Moerman commented 10 months ago

@adrientaudiere thanks for making those changes. I have just assigned the waitlisted label here, since all editors in this domain are currently busy handling other submissions. We'll need to be patient for the moment so. I'll invite an editor as soon as one becomes available.

adrientaudiere commented 10 months ago

Ok @Kevin-Mattheus-Moerman, thanks for the information. I knew that the submission process can take some time, no problem with that. I will be patient (-:

Kevin-Mattheus-Moerman commented 10 months ago

@editorialbot invite @kellyrowland as editor

editorialbot commented 10 months ago

Invitation to edit this submission sent!

kellyrowland commented 10 months ago

I can take this, thanks.

Kevin-Mattheus-Moerman commented 10 months ago

@editorialbot assign @kellyrowland as editor

editorialbot commented 10 months ago

Assigned! @kellyrowland is now the editor

kellyrowland commented 10 months ago

hi @iimog @theosanderson 👋 would you be interested in and available for reviewing this JOSS submission?

iimog commented 10 months ago

Hi @kellyrowland I'm interested in reviewing this submission. However, I'm quite busy right now. So I won't be able to finish my review before the end of this month. So you might want to look for someone, who can complete the review in a more timely fashion. If this time frame is fine, I'm happy to perform the review.

theosanderson commented 10 months ago

Apologies for the delay (when I first got a GitHub notification about this the link to the thread 404ed for some reason).

With apologies, I don't think I have enough expertise in this area to offer a useful review.

kellyrowland commented 10 months ago

@iimog we tend to ask for a 6-week timeframe on the review, so your availability would be fine. I'll reach out to a few other folks here first before tagging you as a reviewer.

@theosanderson no worries, thanks for the response!

kellyrowland commented 10 months ago

hi @tkchafin @vbaliga 👋 would you be interested in and available for reviewing this JOSS submission?

vbaliga commented 10 months ago

Hi @kellyrowland thanks for the opportunity - this looks to be a little too far outside my domain for me to be able to give a meaningful review, so I will decline. Seems like a cool project tho!

kellyrowland commented 10 months ago

thanks @vbaliga !

tkchafin commented 10 months ago

Sure, happy to provide a review for this.

kellyrowland commented 10 months ago

@editorialbot add @tkchafin as reviewer

editorialbot commented 10 months ago

@tkchafin added to the reviewers list!

kellyrowland commented 10 months ago

@iimog I'm going to add you as a reviewer and start the review issue since we've got a second reviewer lined up. I'll check back in a few weeks based on your estimated timeframe; we really appreciate the availability and effort that folks can offer since the reviews are all done by volunteer.

kellyrowland commented 10 months ago

@editorialbot add @iimog as reviewer

editorialbot commented 10 months ago

@iimog added to the reviewers list!

kellyrowland commented 10 months ago

@editorialbot start review

editorialbot commented 10 months ago

OK, I've started the review over in