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Nanonis version incompatibility - Deprecated Slots #6709

Closed ceds92 closed 4 months ago

ceds92 commented 4 months ago

Thank you for your patience, I was ill these last two days. As a heads up, from Tuesday late afternoon I'll be visiting my country next week, and I'll be offline.

Anyway, back to the task at hand. As I have some experience with Scanning Tunneling Microscopy (STM), I feel more qualified to give feedback on that part than on the actual code. Having gone over the paper and the documentation, I can see the need that the authors highlight for a system that is both:

  1. Easily adoptable to several microscopes.
  2. Does not strictly rely on a certain surface/molecule. I think the most relevant papers have been cited in that regard, but we all are human (i.e., there might be more, but I am also unaware of them.) I definitely welcome @ceds92 courage to start this project.

At the moment, Scanbot certainly seems to be actively maintained and developed, which can be a two-edged sword. For instance, the documentation is starting to claim in several places that you can do nc-AFM, and in specific z-dependent nc-AFM and nc-AFM registration, but I did not manage to locate these features so far. For the rest, the README on is short. Users are pointed to a nice web-guide.

So I checked the installation guide there, and picked the pip version. I did not install Zulip nor did I use Google Firebase. On My PC I have Nanonis Mimea V5e R11796, which I run in Demo mode. Note: this is not the same version as the simulator from SPECS. I had (known) issues with the simulator when running sparse sampling routines. All TCP commands should be the same however.

For the installation:

For the configuration:

Data Acquisition: Unfortunately, this did not seem to work on my machine. This is what appears on the terminal during a test Survey: test_survey If I go to configuration immediately after testing the survey, the configuration is gone: configuration_after_test_survey As there are no real useful errors printed to the terminal, I'm a bit unsure of what went wrong.

Tip shaping: Well, I do not have a camera connected to my computer, and the Demo mode did not end well... test_demo_tip_shaping

Overall, I think the program is a great and welcome initiative. The documentation on the website looks nice. It has a few minor inconsistencies, and some parameters that could use a bit more detail in explaining. But I am very pleased with the overall quality of said documentation. Unfortunately, at the moment the program is not doing what it should on my computer. The automated tip recovery on a second sample is a nice feature. As many samples are still measured just on a noble metal surface, I recommend to leave room to implement the technique of Wang which you cite. This recommendation is not related to if your manuscript should be published yes or no, but as a way of me seeing possible use in a lab in my institute. The fact that I am thinking of how to use it means that I like it. However, first I would like to figure out why it is not working right now... For this: more, and more verbose pytests/unittests would be really helpful. Or some kind of debug flag to print more output.

Originally posted by @KoenImdea in

editorialbot commented 4 months ago

:wave: This repository is only for review issues (pre-review and review) that have been created by our editorial infrastructure, and this issue appears not to be one of these.

As such, this issue will be closed. If you're opening an issue as part of a review, please open a new issue instead in the software repository associated with the submission that you are reviewing.

Many thanks!