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Reviews for the Journal of Open Source Software
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# Post-Review Checklist for Editor and Authors #6924

Closed struckma closed 5 days ago

struckma commented 5 days ago

post the DOI here.

  • Make sure that the title and author list (including ORCIDs) in the archive match those in the JOSS paper.

Dear Julia,

Thank you for preparing the publication! I have only one question:

What about former members of the developer team, who have not contributed to this paper but are still valid authors of the software? How should we handle that?

Thank you for some advice,


editorialbot commented 5 days ago

:wave: This repository is only for review issues (pre-review and review) that have been created by our editorial infrastructure, and this issue appears not to be one of these.

As such, this issue will be closed. If you're opening an issue as part of a review, please open a new issue instead in the software repository associated with the submission that you are reviewing.

Many thanks!