openjournals / joss

The Journal of Open Source Software
MIT License
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Pre-submission enquiry #1195

Closed nathhenry3 closed 1 year ago

nathhenry3 commented 1 year ago


My name is Nathan, and I am a PhD candidate in the Department of Psychology at AUT University.

I have written an article that I believe may be suitable for JOSS. The article is called "CRUD-Capable Mobile Apps with R and shinyMobile: a Case Study in Rapid Prototyping". In this article, I demonstrate the creation of the 'Harden' app using the shinyMobile package in R. This app can be used as a tool for Ecological Momentary Assessment, and is focussed on modelling addictions, but can be modified for a variety of purposes. The code is available here.

The paper also discusses the utility of the shinyMobile package for rapid prototyping of apps, which I believe would be valuable to readers of JOSS. While using the code is a hands-on process, this paper may serve as a guide to those who wish to prototype their own shinyMobile apps.

I have attached the article to this enquiry. Do you think such an article is suitable for JOSS, including any modifications I may need to make? I am happy to answer any queries you may have.

Kind regards


CRUD-Capable Mobile Apps with R and shinyMobile a Case Study in Rapid Prototyping.pdf

danielskatz commented 1 year ago

@nathhenry3 - I think you've misunderstood the purpose of JOSS. We don't publish research articles, we publish specific software packages along with short papers that provide a little description and context for the package. Please take a look at some of the recent published papers on, noting that each is really a short paper accompanying a software package. Also see for more specific information.