openjournals / joss

The Journal of Open Source Software
MIT License
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add flowchart figure to docs? #1245

Open danielskatz opened 11 months ago

danielskatz commented 11 months ago

It might be helpful to add to our docs somewhere for people who aren't familiar with how JOSS works.

sneakers-the-rat commented 2 months ago

I'm not sure when it was added, but this is now in the docs so i think this can be closed?

danielskatz commented 2 months ago

the figure there (which must have been added a long time ago and I missed somehow) is old - the one I pointed to is an update.

sneakers-the-rat commented 2 months ago

aha, then i'll PR a change when back at desk. marking this notif as unread so i return to it

sneakers-the-rat commented 2 months ago

How do we feel about using mermaid?

flowchart TB

    repo["Make software available in repository 
    with OSI-approved license"]
    paper["Author short markdown paper 📝"]
    submit["Submit to JOSS by 
    filling out short form"]
    eic_review["Editor-in-chief reviews size and
    editor["Editor assigned"]
    reviewers["Editor assigns >=2 reviewers"]

    subgraph under_review [Review]
    review["Reviewers raise 
    comments and issues"]
    revise["Authors fix issues"]

    accept["Editor accepts paper"]
    archive["Authors archive software"]
    published["Paper receives JOSS DOI"]

    status_under_review(["Under Review"])

    style status_submitted fill:#007ec6,color:#fff;
    style status_rejected fill:#D4C5F9,color:#111;
    style status_under_review fill:#dfb317,color:#fff;
    style status_published fill:#4c1,color:#fff;

    repo --> paper 
    paper --> submit
    submit --> status_submitted
    status_submitted --> eic_review
    eic_review -- "Out of scope" --> status_rejected
    eic_review -- "In scope" --> editor
    editor --> reviewers
    reviewers --> status_under_review
    status_under_review --> under_review
    review --> revise
    revise --> review
    under_review --> status_rejected
    under_review --> accept
    accept --> archive
    archive --> published
    published --> status_published