openjournals / joss

The Journal of Open Source Software
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Allow the paper source to be written in LaTeX. #377

Open moorepants opened 6 years ago

moorepants commented 6 years ago

It seems that the file is used to generate a PDF based on a LaTeX template. It would be nice if we could use LaTeX to write the paper instead of markdown. For anything that isn't simple formatting, having to use markdown and it's pandoc extensions is rather painful. It would be much easier to simply write a LaTeX file to control the paper's content.

jonasrauber commented 4 years ago

This is what most scientists in CS, engineering, maths, natural sciences expect and should be supported. Collaboration workflows are often built around Overleaf.

arfon commented 4 years ago

This is what most scientists in CS, engineering, maths, natural sciences expect and should be supported. Collaboration workflows are often built around Overleaf.

Perhaps. But in software communities Markdown and reStructured text are de rigueur also, so a software journal requiring submissions in Markdown doesn't seem so bad...

We have experimental support for LaTeX for the JuliaCon conference and it has been much harder for us to support from the infrastructure side.

In summary, I understand this request and we may address this someday but it's currently very low priority sorry.

pdebuyl commented 4 years ago

As a non-official solution, I know that in the past I have used the pandoc incatation to generate the files locally. This could be a non-supported way to do it for those who really need/want it.