openjournals / joss

The Journal of Open Source Software
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JOSS pre-submission enquiry #424

Closed alex2cris closed 5 years ago

alex2cris commented 6 years ago

Project repository URL:

Dear Sir, Madam,

As some members of the Institut Pasteur (Paris, France), I have recently made the choice to use GitLab as the repository for the open-source programs I develop. More specifically, I use the GitLab instance hosted by the Institut Pasteur (see e.g. the above URL). Therefore, as I wish to submit a manuscript about the program REQ (project repository URL above), I would like to know if this GitLab repository could lead to a rejection of the manuscript from your side (mainly because it is hosted by a non-profit, but private foundation). Finally, if this specific point does not represent a problem for your Editorial Board, I would be delighted to know if submitting a manuscript about the bioinformatic program REQ (a tool for quickly estimating confidence value at each branch of a phylogenetic tree) will be of interest for your journal.

Yours sincerely,

Alexis Criscuolo [ ]

jedbrown commented 6 years ago

I just logged in using GitHub credentials and it appears that I can file an issue, which suggests that this repository satisfies the criteria

In addition, the software associated with your submission must:

  • Be stored in a repository that can be cloned without registration
  • Be stored in a repository that is browsable online without registration
  • Have an issue tracker that is readable without registration
  • Permit individuals to create issues/file tickets against your repository

From a brief look at your website, it appears that your software satisfies the following definition and thus would be of interest.

JOSS publishes articles about research software. This definition includes software that: solves complex modeling problems in a scientific context (physics, mathematics, biology, medicine, social science, neuroscience, engineering); supports the functioning of research instruments or the execution of research experiments; extracts knowledge from large data sets; offers a mathematical library, or similar.

alex2cris commented 6 years ago

Dear Jed Brown,

Thank you very much for your quick and detailed reply.

Yours sincerely,

Alexis Criscuolo [ ]