openjournals / joss

The Journal of Open Source Software
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Add release version to paper metadata #857

Open matthewfeickert opened 3 years ago

matthewfeickert commented 3 years ago

JOSS already does a great job of including lots of important metadata related to the software and the review in the metadata of the paper (here I'm mostly thinking of the metadata that is printed on the left hand side of the first page of the paper). c.f. screen grab from the most recently published JOSS paper (as of 2021-01-30) DOI


However, this metadata doesn't include the version release of the software reviewed, which seems (to me) to be a very important piece of information. Why I agree that at first it would seem that this is rendered irrelevant by the fact that the repository URL and Zenodo archive URL are part of the paper metadata, this came up as a pain point in the review for pyhf in, where having the release version number explicitly stated in the paper metadata would have cleared up some confusion (at least I think that would have helped). e.g. having under the Software metadata a "version: v0.5.4". (This isn't directly related, but Issue #442 also touches on how "version" numbers are important to the review.)

I realize that this could be slightly problematic as the concept of versioning isn't universal (e.g. SemVar and CalVar both exist) but if the recommended way to install the software is from a package index (e.g. PyPI, Conda-forge, CRAN) then the version number matters quite a bit to a user of software published in the journal then what they're going to find at the HEAD of the default branch of GitHub/GitLab.

I appreciate that the journal Editorial Board put a great deal of thought into the metadata of the paper and that I'm probably not the first person to bring this up, so I apologize if I'm missing an obvious reason for the lack of version number. I'm also not intending this as a criticism of the journal or the board. If there is agreement by the journal Editorial Board that this would be useful though, I would be willing to work on a PR to add this if a core developer could give me guidance.

arfon commented 3 years ago

:wave: @matthewfeickert, thanks for opening this. I agree versioning is important and I would be useful to have this available in the paper.

For the motivated reader, the version is tracked on the JOSS review thread (see below), although I see from your review this caused some confusion.


I think it would be relatively straightforward for the paper to simply capture and display the string (Version: v0.12.3 in the case of the paper you link to) on the paper and not having done this to date is somewhat of an oversight on our part.

If there is agreement by the journal Editorial Board that this would be useful though, I would be willing to work on a PR to add this if a core developer could give me guidance.

Great! I'd be happy to work with you on this change 😸

matthewfeickert commented 3 years ago

I agree versioning is important and I would be useful to have this available in the paper. ... I think it would be relatively straightforward for the paper to simply capture and display the string (Version: v0.12.3 in the case of the paper you link to) on the paper and not having done this to date is somewhat of an oversight on our part.

Thanks very much for considering this change, and I'm happy to hear that you agree with the idea. :+1:

Great! I'd be happy to work with you on this change

Fantastic and thank you, @arfon! I'll add this to my TODO list this week and hopefully tag you in a PR with any questions before Wednesday.

matthewfeickert commented 3 years ago

As I don't have any experience with Ruby, I thought I would check after looking over the developer guide docs that all the PDF generation actually is taking place over in openjournals/whedon (maybe in lib/whedon/compilers.rb?) correct? If so, should this Issue get transferred to whedon? Or are there parts of the website that should also get updated as well?

arfon commented 3 years ago

@matthewfeickert - I know I owe you a proper response here, just super-busy with other things right now sorry 😞. I've not forgotten this though :-)

matthewfeickert commented 3 years ago

I know I owe you a proper response here, just super-busy with other things right now sorry . I've not forgotten this though :-)

No worries whatsoever — there's nothing to apologize for! I am likewise a bit too busy this week with prior commitments to have actually done anything useful here this week.