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Workflow does not try to locate paper.bib #27

Closed shayandavoodii closed 6 months ago

shayandavoodii commented 6 months ago

I've put the bibliography paper.bib in the same directory as the But, in the workflow, I got this:

Warning:  Citeproc: citation Agarwal2006 not found
Warning:  Citeproc: citation Bin.Li20[13]( not found
Warning:  Citeproc: citation Bin.li2012 not found
Warning:  Citeproc: citation Borodin2003 not found
Warning:  Citeproc: citation Cai2019 not found
Warning:  Citeproc: citation Cover1991 not found
Warning:  Citeproc: citation Dai2022 not found
Warning:  Citeproc: citation Guan20[19]( not found
Warning:  Citeproc: citation Györfi[20]( not found

The citations are available in the paper.bib. How should I set the path to the bibliography file in the .yml file? Is it even possible?

shayandavoodii commented 6 months ago

Warning: Citeproc: citation Bin.Li20[13]( not found

It's not Bin.Li20[13]. I've written [@Bin.Li2013] for citing the paper. What's the problem? I need your quick response if possible. Thanks.

shayandavoodii commented 6 months ago


The problem was with the . in Bin.Li2013

Yet, I got the error I mentioned in my first comment:

Warning:  Citeproc: citation Agarwal2006 not found
Warning:  Citeproc: citation BinLi2013 not found
Warning:  Citeproc: citation Binli2012 not found
Warning:  Citeproc: citation Borodin2003 not found
Warning:  Citeproc: citation Cai2019 not found
Warning:  Citeproc: citation Cover1991 not found
Warning:  Citeproc: citation Dai2022 not found
Warning:  Citeproc: citation Guan2019 not found
Warning:  Citeproc: citation Györfi2006 not found
Warning:  Citeproc: citation Györfi2007 not found
Warning:  Citeproc: citation Helmbold1998 not found
Warning:  Citeproc: citation Huang2016 not found
Warning:  Citeproc: citation Khedmati2020 not found
Warning:  Citeproc: citation Lai2018 not found
Warning:  Citeproc: citation Lai20182 not found
Warning:  Citeproc: citation Lai20183 not found
Warning:  Citeproc: citation Lai2020 not found
Warning:  Citeproc: citation Li2011 not found
Warning:  Citeproc: citation Li2012 not found
Warning:  Citeproc: citation Li2022 not found
Warning:  Citeproc: citation Lin2024 not found
Warning:  Citeproc: citation Sooklal2020 not found
Warning:  Citeproc: citation Xi2023 not found
Warning:  Citeproc: citation Yang2020 not found
Warning:  Citeproc: citation Zhang2021 not found
Warning:  Citeproc: citation Zhong2023 not found
shayandavoodii commented 6 months ago

Where should I put the bibliographies? I've put them in a paper.bib file in the same directory as file.

I've put them in a paper.bib file in the same directory as file.

Note that this is recommended in the documentation of the JOSS journal.

shayandavoodii commented 6 months ago

I should have prepended the following block to the beginning of the file:

title = ...
  - ...

  - name: ...
    orcid: ...
    affiliation: ...

  - name: ...
    index: ...

date: ...
bibliography: paper.bib

Hence, the .bib file gets addressed explicitly at the end of the block.