openjournals / paper-JOSS-oneyear

Paper describing design and first-year of JOSS
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
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PeerJ R3C8 #31

Closed kyleniemeyer closed 6 years ago

kyleniemeyer commented 6 years ago

the reviewer counts and reviewer lists are different - are the reviewers rewarded? the implication is that the volunteers are not known.

arfon commented 6 years ago

Not sure I understand this comment?

kyleniemeyer commented 6 years ago

I think there is confusion about how our list of potential reviewers differs from the actual people who have reviewed (we don't have those actually listed); the latter is a larger number.

However, it isn't that the volunteers aren't known, but we haven't done a good job tracking who has actually reviewed for us.

arfon commented 6 years ago

However, it isn't that the volunteers aren't known, but we haven't done a good job tracking who has actually reviewed for us.

Gotcha. Yes, we should be better at this piece.

kyleniemeyer commented 6 years ago

How hard would it be to track the people who have reviewed? (and potentially how many times)

At minimum, editors could add their reviewer(s) to a list, but it would be nice if this were automated somehow. Then we could acknowledge people regularly with a post/announcement/something.

arfon commented 6 years ago

How hard would it be to track the people who have reviewed? (and potentially how many times)

Not hard. I've stubbed out some code here already to do this on demand:

karthik commented 6 years ago

I think we should do an end of year acknowledgement of service, with special note for anyone that has reviewed two or more times. Many society journals do this and we should do the same to also help people with their service reporting.

danielskatz commented 6 years ago

Could we also connect to ?

arfon commented 6 years ago

I have added the following to the reviewer response:

The reviewer counts reflect the number of people that have actually reviewed for JOSS. The reviewer list is the list of individuals that have volunteers to review for JOSS but may not have yet actually been invited to review a submission.

The reviewers are currently not rewarded in any way but are thanked for their efforts once the paper is accepted into JOSS. We are considering adding some regular way of acknowledging the efforts of our volunteer reviewers (such as regular blog posts etc).

danielskatz commented 6 years ago

grammar again, plus more content:

The reviewer counts reflect the number of people that have actually reviewed for JOSS. The reviewer list is the list of individuals that have volunteered to review for JOSS but may not have yet actually been invited to review a submission.

The reviewers are currently not rewarded in any way but are thanked for their efforts once the paper is accepted into JOSS, and their reviews are public and linked to from the papers. We are considering adding additional methods for acknowledging the efforts of our volunteer reviewers (such as regular blog posts, etc.)

kyleniemeyer commented 6 years ago

@danielskatz I updated the response with your edits, so I think this one is done now.