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Provide a LaTeX template? #258

Closed jradavenport closed 8 years ago

jradavenport commented 8 years ago

I can see the arguments for and against providing a LaTeX template, but it might be good to at least suggest a certain template or style for authors to submit using. This could go a long way towards making refereeing papers easier.

Side note: Is there need for a "real" paper to test the entire workflow with? I have a short paper in prep that might be ideal for The Open Journal as a venue...

arfon commented 8 years ago

@freelanceastro - we have a template correct?

freelanceastro commented 8 years ago

We do, and there's a link to it on the About page. It's not perfect, but it gets the job done. If you've got any suggestions on how to make it better, that would be really awesome, because I just slapped it together very fast.

And yeah, @jradavenport, "real" papers would be great. The more the better. Submit yours and then tell all your friends to do the same. We want them all, now.

jradavenport commented 8 years ago

Great! I found a class file here. Couldn't find any such link on

I'll give it a shot!

marcrohloff commented 8 years ago

​You'd want to try this page which links to this template

jradavenport commented 8 years ago

:+1: Didn't know about the astro subdomain! Excellent!