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Implement help text tooltips #29

Open arfon opened 9 years ago

arfon commented 9 years ago

We need to define some kind of help text convention in the UI. @stuartlynn - do you know if Polymer has some stuff to help us here?

stuartlynn commented 9 years ago


Demo here :

so for simple tooltips just wrap the content in a core-tooltip tag :

<core-tooltip label="Tooltip with no arrow and always on" noarrow show>
  <img src="image.jpg">

for a richer tooltip add a div with attribute tip to the inside of the core-tooltip tag:

  <div>Example of a rich information tooltip</div>
  <div tip>
     <img src="profile.jpg">Foo <b>Bar</b> - <a href="#">@baz</a>
marcrohloff commented 9 years ago

Are we going to with tool-tips or something else? Should I start by adding them to all input's?

marcrohloff commented 9 years ago

Where do we want to put tooltips?

freelanceastro commented 9 years ago

I'm tempted to say that we don't actually need to do this yet. I think our UI is pretty straightforward, and with the updates it will be even more so. @marcrohloff @arfon @stuartlynn, do any of you feel strongly that we need tooltips in this version of the software?

marcrohloff commented 9 years ago

No. I've implemented normal tooltips where possible.