openjs-foundation / cross-project-council

OpenJS Foundation Cross Project Council
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Improve our minute taking of CPC calls #1323

Open tobie opened 2 weeks ago

tobie commented 2 weeks ago

We're currently duplicating note taking in both the google doc and the issue comments, and we often drop one or the other.

What can we do to fix this?

bensternthal commented 1 week ago

One option we can feed in the recording to AI and have it create minutes from the transcript.

Here is an example using the June 11th CPC meeting:

ChatGPT Output

Meeting Minutes: Cross Project Council of the OpenJS Foundation

Date: June 11, 2024
Time: 18:07


Agenda Overview

Key Points Discussed

  1. Wi-Fi and Connectivity Issues

    • Tobie Langel experienced connectivity issues; Joe Sepi offered to step in if necessary.
  2. Announcements

    • Robin Ginn: Program committee meeting tomorrow, not on the public calendar but open for participation.
    • Joe Sepi: Security meeting time changed; check the calendar for the new time.
  3. Board Updates

    • Previous updates were shared a couple of weeks ago. No new updates since.
  4. Staff Updates

    • Robin Ginn: Working with the Linux Foundation's leadership teams on legal best practices to avoid high legal fees.
    • Benjamin Sternthal: Exploring best practices for DCO (Developer Certificate of Origin) implementation.
    • Robin Ginn: Non-violent communication and workplace conflict resolution training options are being explored.
  5. Agenda Items

    • Foundation Project Health Survey (Issue 1313):
      • Survey sent out two weeks ago; need more responses from project leads.
      • Discussed outreach methods to ensure all relevant members are aware.
    • Archiving the Hospital Run Project (Issue 1377):
      • Project status and archiving process discussed.
      • Need to check and mark off the new project life cycle document.
    • Improving the Security Posture of the CPC (Issue 1300):
      • Feedback and finalization of the Google Forms document.
      • Intention to close this item in the next meeting.
    • Documenting the Code of Conduct Team Selection (Issues 1297 & 1298):
      • Ongoing process of documenting and selecting new members for the team.
    • Ecosystem Sustainability Program (Issue 1277):
      • Town hall meeting was held; program briefings are ongoing.
      • Issue likely to be closed as progress continues.
    • Document Best Practices for Organization Project (Issue 1263):
      • Discussion on scope and progress.
      • Decision to rename the issue to focus on community health files and take it off the agenda until a draft is prepared.
  6. Private Session Preparation

    • Discussion to manage the nomination for the Code of Conduct team in the upcoming private session.
    • Next working session agenda set to focus on Issue 1263 unless new priorities arise.

Action Items

Next Meeting

Meeting adjourned at 18:30.

Gemini Output

joesepi commented 1 day ago

Meeting notes: