An ojo analyst is working in an interactive session
They want to pull in a dataset from the database
They don't want to have to manually connect to the database with ojo_connect
They don't want to have to think about closing the connection either
ojo_connect is called automatically when a dataset is pulled in from the database
The connection parameters are automatically pulled from environment variables
Scenario 2
An ojo analyst is rendering a report
They want to pull in a dataset from the database
They don't want to have to manually connect to the database with ojo_connect
They don't want to have to think about closing the connection either
ojo_connect is called automatically when a dataset is pulled in from the database
The connection parameters are automatically pulled from environment variables
The connection object is closed when the report is done rendering
The connection object is only created once per report, unless the report is re-rendered, or ojo_connect is called manually
Scenario 3
An ojo engineer is writing a function to pull in a dataset from the database
They want their function to be able to connect to the database automatically or by passing in a connection object as an argument
Scenario 4
An ojo engineer is making a Github Action to run the package tests
They want to be able to connect to the database in the Github Action
The connection object is created with pool::dbPool and the RPostgres::Postgres() driver
ojo_tbl returns a lazy tbl object
The connection object is closed when the session ends, not when the dataset is pulled in
Consecutive calls to ojo_tbl will use the same connection object
The default schema is public, but can be changed with ojo_connect(schema = "my_schema")
There is no default table -- the user must specify a table name
# ojo_connect.R
#' @title OJO Connect
#' @description Connect to the Open Justice Oklahoma database
#' @details
#' Opens a connection to the Open Justice Oklahoma database using credentials stored in the .Renviron file.
#' If no credentials exist, prompts for user, password, and host name and provides instructions to store them for future sessions.
#' @param host The host name of the database server
#' @param port The port number of the database server
#' @param username The username to use to connect to the database
#' @param password The password to use to connect to the database
#' @param .admin A logical value indicating whether to connect to the database as an administrator
#' @param .overwrite A logical value indicating whether to overwrite the existing .Renviron file
#' @param .install A logical value indicating whether to install the database connection or use it only for the current session
#' @export
#' @returns A database connection object created with `pool::dbPool` and `odbc::odbc`
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ojo_connect()
#' }
#' @section Side Effects:
#' If either the `.global` argument or `rlang::is_interactive` are `TRUE`, an object named `ojodb` is created in the global environment.
#' @seealso ojo_auth()
ojo_connect <- function(..., .admin = FALSE, .global = rlang::is_interactive()) {
# If object ojodb is already in the global environment, make sure its a valid pool object and return it
if (.global && exists("ojodb", envir = .GlobalEnv)) {
if (inherits(ojodb, "Pool") && pool::dbIsValid(ojodb)) {
} else {
rlang::abort("The object `ojodb` already exists in the global environment, but it is not a valid database connection.")
user_type <- if (.admin) "ADMIN" else "DEFAULT"
if (Sys.getenv("OJO_HOST") == "") {
rlang::abort("No {tolower(user_type)} configuration for the OJO database was found. Please create one now using `ojo_auth`, or manually, by adding the necessary environment variables with `usethis::edit_r_environ`.")
conn <- pool::dbPool(
drv = RPostgres::Postgres(),
dbname = "ojodb",
host = Sys.getenv("OJO_HOST"),
port = Sys.getenv("OJO_PORT"),
user = Sys.getenv(glue::glue("OJO_{user_type}_USER")),
password = Sys.getenv(glue::glue("OJO_{user_type}_PASS")),
sslmode = Sys.getenv("OJO_SSL_MODE"),
sslrootcert = Sys.getenv("OJO_SSL_ROOT_CERT"),
sslcert = Sys.getenv("OJO_SSL_CERT"),
sslkey = Sys.getenv("OJO_SSL_KEY"),
bigint = "integer",
if (.global) {
assign("ojodb", conn, envir = .GlobalEnv)
# Defer pool::poolClose() until the end of the session
envir = .GlobalEnv
# ojo_tbl.R
#' Identify a table from the OJO database
#' Identifies a table in the OJO database from which to query data. Remember to run \code{connect_ojo()} to establish a connection before attempting to query and to close the connection afterwards with \code{disconnect_ojo()}.
#' @aliases ojo_tbl
#' @param table The name of a table in the OJO database. To get a list of tables, run \code{ojo_list_tables()}
#' @param schema The name of a schema in the OJO database. To get a list of schemas, run \code{ojo_list_schemas()}
#' @export ojo_tbl
#' @return A pointer to a table that can be passed to dplyr functions and/or pulled into a dataframe using \code{ojo_collect()}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Identifies the table
#' ojo_tbl("case")
#' # Pulls down case information data for every Tulsa felony filed in 2020 into a dataframe d
#' d <- ojo_tbl("case") %>%
#' filter(district == "TULSA", case_type == "CF", year == 2020) %>%
#' collect()
#' }
#' @seealso ojo_list_tables(), ojo_list_vars(), ojo_list_schemas()
ojo_tbl <- function(table, schema = "public", ..., .con = ojo_connect()) {
.con |>
dplyr::tbl(dbplyr::in_schema(schema, table))
Scenario 1
Scenario 2
Scenario 3
Scenario 4
and theRPostgres::Postgres()
returns a lazy tbl objectojo_tbl
will use the same connection objectpublic
, but can be changed withojo_connect(schema = "my_schema")