openjusticeok / ojodb

OJO's R package for opening the black box of our justice system
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⏱️ Show that something is happening when waiting for transfer over network in db query #95

Closed brancengregory closed 1 year ago

brancengregory commented 1 year ago
brancengregory commented 1 year ago

Related to #93 and #94

brancengregory commented 1 year ago


Info on how dbGetQuery works under the hood:

TLDR: We currently get records back by doing one of two things: A) calling dbGetQuery on a db connection and SQL query string or B) using collect on a tbl equivalent object

collect is implemented here:

Under the hood, it is doing what dbGetQuery does as well, which is call a combination of dbSendQuery and dbFetch.

We can make our own ojo_collect() function that also wraps those functions, but adds additional features like some kind of progress indicator, time estimate, etc.

brancengregory commented 1 year ago

Relevant conversation in {RPostgres}:

brancengregory commented 1 year ago

Quite tagential but related:

brancengregory commented 1 year ago

More context that highlights some under the hood {RPostgres} code. While it would be ideal if our solution doesn't mess with these, since it would then require a rewrite with a different db backend, it is technically an option, and if the functionality were awesome enough, we could make that call:

andrewjbe commented 1 year ago

Before I start trying to implement these suggestions, here's what I have so far on the data-pull-spinner branch. This is what I'm kind of aiming for the end result to look like:


As you can see though, it's kinda slow for larger queries because it repeats work (i.e. using tally() to count the rows and then using collect() to actually download them), which we can fix using your suggestions. But the basic idea is to display an affirmation that results were found (including the number), and then display a cli message for every step in the process as its downloading, even though there's only really one "step" right now. I think the only way we could get an actual progress bar / spinner is to have our new version of ojo_collect() download the results row by row or paginated somehow.

brancengregory commented 1 year ago

dbFetch with RPostgres allows us to paginate the response!

brancengregory commented 1 year ago

collect() on tbl_sql's is implemented here:

It shows the right way to render the sql to be passed to dbSendQuery and friends