openkfw / TruBudget

A blockchain-based workflow tool for efficient and transparent project management
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Layout bug for validation of documents #1861

Closed jzakotnik closed 2 weeks ago

jzakotnik commented 3 weeks ago

The layout seems broken here: image

pmolnar-dev commented 3 weeks ago

I would not say layout is broken :). It is just that content can't be displayed all at once that is why we have the scroll there

jzakotnik commented 3 weeks ago

@pmolnar-dev hehe, you're right, it's not broken, only looks broken ;)

galethil commented 3 weeks ago

@jzakotnik considering the upcoming new design, where it will be fixed, can we close the issue? Or do you suggest to implement it anyway? E.g. with extending size of pop up window?

jzakotnik commented 3 weeks ago

I would implement it anyway, because it will be needed in the new design as well I assume. Would be easier to introduce a breakpoint ("invalid document")rather than larger dialog?