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Gentoo is an 'unknown distro' and cannot install openkm #362

Closed NucleaPeon closed 8 months ago

NucleaPeon commented 8 months ago
vagrant@gentoo64 ~ $ sudo java -jar OKMInstaller.jar 
Running on Linux: 0.9.23-CE (build: 1cb41ce)
Linux distro: unknown (Unknown - 0)
Local host: gentoo64 (
Java version: 1.8.0_362
Free disk size: 12.1 GB
RAM size: 7.8 GB
CPU cores: 4
Server IP:
Supported databases: [h2, hsqldb, mariadb, mysql, oracle, postgresql, sqlserver]
Current directory: /home/vagrant

Database [h2]: mariadb
Database host [localhost]: 
Database name [okmdb]: 
Database user [openkm]: 
Database password [#m3Np1S@YhQb]: *************
- Database: mariadb
- Database host: localhost
- Database name: okmdb
- Database user: openkm
- Database password: ********************
- OpenKM version: 6.3.12
- Tomcat version: 8.5.69
Start install process? [y/N]: y

- Downloading Tomcat: 8.5.69
File already downloaded
- Unzipping archive. Done!
- Fix permissions... Done!
- Create symbolic link... Done!
- Downloading OpenKM: 6.3.12
Resume download ........*.... 40% ....*.... 50% ....*.... 60% ....*.... 70% ....*.... 80% ....*.... 90% ....*.... 100%
- Unzipping archive. Done!
- Check archive integrity... Done!
- Copy OpenKM
- Configure OpenKM
- Configure service
ERROR: Unknown Linux distro: unknown

Is it necessary to know the linux distro? If it's failing on the service step, would it be more viable to have an option flag for using systemd or openrc/init.d and skip distro detection? I haven't looked into the code yet so I don't have much context to this error. Would you support having Gentoo as a known distro if I worked on adding it?

monkiki commented 8 months ago

I know Gentoo but never used it, but I think is more used in desktop than servers.

The install automatically install some third-party dependencies like LibreOffice and I don't even know which package manager uses Gentoo. Anyway, the installer helps but If you want to install OpenKM in Gentoo you can also make a manual installation (download Tomcat, download OpenKM and configure it). Please, check

NucleaPeon commented 8 months ago


I'm assuming that I'll be able to view the article once I create an account. It might make more sense to create an ebuild for gentoo specifically instead of modifying your script, so that gives me a good direction to look in.

Thanks for your help. If/when I get that done, I can reach out again. Cheers.

monkiki commented 8 months ago

Sorry, the right link is this one:

Best regards.