openlab-at-city-tech / webworkqa

WeBWorK integration for WordPress and BuddyPress
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Implement "filter blurb" and "homepage blurb" in the theme #60

Closed moui72 closed 3 years ago

moui72 commented 7 years ago

Filter blurb (goes in the blue box above the dropdowns)

Use the 
<a href="">filters</a> 
below to navigate the questions that have been posted. You can select questions by course, section, 
a specific WeBWorK problem set, and to select only answered or unanswered questions.`

Homepage blurb (goes at the top of the questions index)

You are viewing 
<a href="">WeBWorK on the OpenLab</a>. 
Here, you can ask questions and discuss WeBWorK homework problems, and also see what other 
students have been asking.
boonebgorges commented 7 years ago

At some point in the future, I'll make these dynamic. For now, I've changed them in the hardcoded text.

boonebgorges commented 4 years ago

Given the emerging theme-independence of the plugin and theme, we should reassess this enhancement. The current state of things is that each of these blurbs has default text (non-OL-specific) hardcoded into the plugin, and the text can be filtered using custom PHP code (as we've done on the OL to introduce OL-specific language).

I think this is probably a good-enough solution for release. It doesn't make a ton of sense to move it into webwork-theme, since the blurbs appear within the content area, and the content area is theme-independent. And because the text is generic and not OL-specific, it's likely that it'll be good enough for most installations, and the PHP filters provide a way to modify for those who really need to do so.

boonebgorges commented 3 years ago

This text has been totally pulled. The webworkqa UI is now loaded via shortcode, which means that the user can put whatever content they'd like before and after the UI.