Open coruble opened 10 years ago
Ok, I tried another import on a clean OpenERP database, this time starting with the Magento website in dollars. Imported products have the euro price. Euro is the default, global Magento currency so it looks like your module doesn't take into account Magento websites / currency scopes ?
@hack47 AFAICS magento API does not provide currency information. A good workaround is perhaps configuring the website instance in OpenERP to use the currency ?
Hello Sharoon, thanks a lot for the quick answer.
I understand the API limitation, I didn't know about it.
Yes this could be a workaround, from the issue you created and referenced I understand it would be a future feature ?
What about the "multiple OpenERP entries for each SKU" problem ? How can I assign a single SKU to multiple website instances ?
In the meantime, I think I'll go for a simpler implementation of my specification : everything would be based on euros, Magento would display currency conversions and OpenERP would use price lists in both currencies. This would solve my problem in the short term.
Thanks again
I have a two website Magento instance, one with currency set in Euros, the other in Dollars. The two websites share the same catalog (SKUs), and each website has a different price configured for each SKU, one price in Euros, the other in Dollars (this structure uses standard Magento settings, with the currency scope changed from global to website).
When I import products from my Magento websites in OpenERP, two occurences of each SKU are created, one is assigned to the "euro" website, the other is assigned to the "dollar" website. Prices are not correctly set, I imported products from the "euro" website first, and products imported from the "dollar" website have the same euro price, when in Magento they have two different prices. I thought the "website" scope in Magento and the website structure of your module would play well together.
What are you advices regarding this situation ?
What I want is to have only one product per SKU, not two obviously, each SKU assigned to both websites in OpenERP (I tried to manually assign a product to the other website with the "Magento" tab in the product view, but I can't edit the website field when I add a line in "Magento IDs"), and then get OpenERP to manage the two prices per product with price lists for example.
Thanks in advance