openlawlibrary / pygls

A pythonic generic language server
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`RecursionError: maximum recursion depth exceeded` on certain Python versions #317

Closed charliermarsh closed 1 year ago

charliermarsh commented 1 year ago

:wave: I've received a few reports of this over on the Ruff LSP repo ( I started debugging and reduced it down to an MRE in pygls.


from pygls import server

LSP_SERVER = server.LanguageServer(name="Example", version="0.1.0")

def start() -> None:

if __name__ == "__main__":

And the following Dockerfile:

# syntax=docker/dockerfile:1

FROM python:3.7.4-slim-buster

RUN pip3 install pygls

RUN python -m server

Running docker build . gives me an infinite RecursionError:

 > [4/4] RUN python -m server:
#10 0.367 Traceback (most recent call last):
#10 0.367   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/", line 193, in _run_module_as_main
#10 0.367     "__main__", mod_spec)
#10 0.367   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/", line 85, in _run_code
#10 0.367     exec(code, run_globals)
#10 0.367   File "/", line 7, in <module>
#10 0.367     LSP_SERVER = server.LanguageServer(name="Example", version="0.1.0")
#10 0.367   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pygls/", line 357, in __init__
#10 0.367     super().__init__(protocol_cls, converter_factory, loop, max_workers)
#10 0.367   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pygls/", line 199, in __init__
#10 0.367     self.lsp = protocol_cls(self, converter_factory())
#10 0.367   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pygls/", line 163, in default_converter
#10 0.367     converter = converters.get_converter()
#10 0.367   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/lsprotocol/", line 17, in get_converter
#10 0.367     return _hooks.register_hooks(converter)
#10 0.367   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/lsprotocol/", line 35, in register_hooks
#10 0.367     _resolve_forward_references()
#10 0.367   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/lsprotocol/", line 30, in _resolve_forward_references
#10 0.367     attrs.resolve_types(value, lsp_types.ALL_TYPES_MAP, {})
#10 0.367   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/attr/", line 408, in resolve_types
#10 0.367     hints = typing.get_type_hints(cls, globalns=globalns, localns=localns)
#10 0.367   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/", line 976, in get_type_hints
#10 0.367     value = _eval_type(value, base_globals, localns)
#10 0.367   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/", line 265, in _eval_type
#10 0.367     ev_args = tuple(_eval_type(a, globalns, localns) for a in t.__args__)
#10 0.367   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/", line 265, in <genexpr>
#10 0.367     ev_args = tuple(_eval_type(a, globalns, localns) for a in t.__args__)
#10 0.367   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/", line 266, in _eval_type
#10 0.367     if ev_args == t.__args__:
#10 0.367   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/", line 661, in __eq__
#10 0.367     return frozenset(self.__args__) == frozenset(other.__args__)
#10 0.367   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/", line 667, in __hash__
#10 0.367     return hash((self.__origin__, self.__args__))
#10 0.367   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/", line 666, in __hash__
#10 0.367     return hash((Union, frozenset(self.__args__)))
#10 0.367   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/", line 667, in __hash__
#10 0.367     return hash((self.__origin__, self.__args__))
#10 0.367   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/", line 480, in __hash__
#10 0.367     return hash((self.__forward_arg__, self.__forward_value__))
#10 0.367 RecursionError: maximum recursion depth exceeded while calling a Python object

Thanks as always for all your work on pygls!

charliermarsh commented 1 year ago

It looks like python:3.7.7-slim-buster is the minimum version on which this goes away.

tombh commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the clear and helpful report ❤️

I'm not familiar enough with Python to know what this might be about. The only thing that it reminds me of is those problems one can have with type hints and circular imports. They get resolved with those tricks like; if TYPE_CHECKING: or from __future__ import annotations.

Maybe @alcarney will have some insight.

Otherwise, what if we just pin Pygls to python >= 3.7.7?

lodagro commented 1 year ago

Unfortunately I am stuck at python 3.7.1. If pygls would pin python to >= 3.7.7 it would mean no ruff support for me in vscode. See also charliermarsh/ruff-vscode/issues/116.

alcarney commented 1 year ago

Maybe @alcarney will have some insight.

Not much I’m afraid… I know that lsprotocol calls _resolve_forward_references() so that it can configure attrs and cattrs to correctly serialise/deserialise lsp messages. This converts any type annotations that are strings into concrete types so I imagine it would undo any potential benefits from from __future__ import annotations or similar tricks.

Perhaps @karthiknadig would know of a workaround?

brettcannon commented 1 year ago

If you need to get to the concrete types of a type hint then there's no workaround short of directly changing the code to somehow avoid triggering this specific case as you have to manifest them somehow.

I will also say that Python 3.7 hits EOL at the end of June this year (, so depending on your compatibility policies for pygls, any fix would only be for compatibility for 5 months for bugfix versions that CPython itself doesn't support since newer versions of Python 3.7 are out and have had the fix (specifically, since March 10, 2020 when Python 3.7.7 was released).

lodagro commented 1 year ago

It is indeed not unreasonable to drop support for older python 3.7 versions.

tombh commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the replies everybody.

So what I'm understanding is that it's Pygls' call to lsprotocl.converters.get_converter() that's the problem right? And we do that in order to automatically serialise/deserialise JSON API objects. Is this an unintended use of lsprotcol's converters? Or could this mean lsprotocl.converters.get_converter() itself doesn't work for Python <3.7.7?

karthiknadig commented 1 year ago

@tombh I will need to investigate and see if fully resolving this is really needed or if it can be done on the fly. If it turns out that we have to resolve all types before we can build the converters then yes this means it won't work for < 3.7.7.

I'll reply back with my findings.

karthiknadig commented 1 year ago

I have a potential fix for this, might need some help testing it out. It is a minor change to how LSPAny is defined.


LSPArray = List['LSPAny']
LSPAny = Union["LSPObject", LSPArray, str, int, int, float, bool, None]  # generated from spec
LSPObject = object


LSPArray = List['LSPAny']
LSPAny = Union[Any, None]
LSPObject = object

we had to previously pin LSPObject to object, so the definition here LSPAny = Union["LSPObject", LSPArray, str, int, int, float, bool, None] was effectively LSPAny = Union[object, LSPArray, str, int, int, float, bool, None] at that point it could just be Union[Any, None]. This makes the resolver happy.

tombh commented 1 year ago

That sounds promising. What's a good way to test that? Just copy and paste the change to around line 688 in lsprotocol/

karthiknadig commented 1 year ago

Replace the entire file from lsprotocol main: that should be enough.

karthiknadig commented 1 year ago

The above-mentioned change seems to work, I ran the pygls test suite, and tested a few other servers on it. I plan on releasing the fix next week.

karthiknadig commented 1 year ago

Published lsprotocol to pypi with the fix.

charliermarsh commented 1 year ago

Does pygls need to be updated too?

I see:

python -m unittest
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<frozen runpy>", line 198, in _run_module_as_main
  File "<frozen runpy>", line 88, in _run_code
  File "/Users/crmarsh/workspace/ruff-lsp/ruff_lsp/", line 19, in <module>
  File "/Users/crmarsh/workspace/ruff-lsp/ruff_lsp/", line 5, in main
    from ruff_lsp import __version__, server
  File "/Users/crmarsh/workspace/ruff-lsp/ruff_lsp/", line 52, in <module>
    from pygls import protocol, server, uris, workspace
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pygls/", line 56, in <module>
    from lsprotocol.types import (
ImportError: cannot import name 'WorkspaceConfigurationParams' from 'lsprotocol.types' (/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/lsprotocol/
charliermarsh commented 1 year ago

(Pinning pygls==1.0.0a3 resolved for me.)

karthiknadig commented 1 year ago

@charliermarsh LSP spec has changed the definition of WorkspaceConfigurationRequest to not have a combined type which was aliased in lsprotocol as WorkspaceConfigurationParams for params. Looks like the way it was defined earlier might have been a bug. It is now just ConfigurationParams.

I'll make the fix for that in lsprotocol to preserve the aliasing we use for combined types for reference types as well.

This was the old definition (params was composed of two things) the combined type was aliased as WorkspaceConfigurationParams:

            "method": "workspace/configuration",
            "result": {
                "kind": "array",
                "element": {
                    "kind": "reference",
                    "name": "LSPAny"
            "messageDirection": "serverToClient",
            "params": {
                "kind": "and",
                "items": [
                        "kind": "reference",
                        "name": "ConfigurationParams"
                        "kind": "reference",
                        "name": "PartialResultParams"
            "documentation": "The 'workspace/configuration' request is sent from the server to the client to fetch a certain\nconfiguration setting.\n\nThis pull model replaces the old push model were the client signaled configuration change via an\nevent. If the server still needs to react to configuration changes (since the server caches the\nresult of `workspace/configuration` requests) the server should register for an empty configuration\nchange event and empty the cache if such an event is received."

This is the new definition:

            "method": "workspace/configuration",
            "result": {
                "kind": "array",
                "element": {
                    "kind": "reference",
                    "name": "LSPAny"
            "messageDirection": "serverToClient",
            "params": {
                "kind": "reference",
                "name": "ConfigurationParams"
            "documentation": "The 'workspace/configuration' request is sent from the server to the client to fetch a certain\nconfiguration setting.\n\nThis pull model replaces the old push model were the client signaled configuration change via an\nevent. If the server still needs to react to configuration changes (since the server caches the\nresult of `workspace/configuration` requests) the server should register for an empty configuration\nchange event and empty the cache if such an event is received."

I will preserve the aliasing in lsprotocol in cases like this.

tombh commented 1 year ago

So it looks like and are fixed now with the latest lsprotocol?

@karthiknadig Thanks for all the fixes ✨

@charliermarsh I was just wondering if you knew that Pygls' latest version is 1.0.1. Do you think pinning to that would have also solved your issue?

karthiknadig commented 1 year ago

@tombh I need to push out another release I will be doing it today.

charliermarsh commented 1 year ago

@tombh - Yeah I did notice that, thank you! But upgrading didn't solve in this case. (I'll upgrade to 1.0.1 once the new lsprotocol release is out.)

tombh commented 1 year ago

So is it that you pinned down to 1.0.0a3 from a newer version, rather than up to it from an older version? I'm just wondering because Pygls doesn't actually pin to any version of lsprotocol, so pinning to a different version of Pygls shouldn't change anything. I'm guessing that 1.0.0a3 fixed it for you simply by virtue of updating the unpinned lsprotocol. In which case updating to any version of Pygls would have worked. Do you see what I mean?

charliermarsh commented 1 year ago

I pinned down to 1.0.0a3.

Using pygls>=1.0.0a3, my dependencies locked to pygls==1.0.1 and lsprotocol==2023.0.0a0, which gave me the above error.

Pinning to pygls==1.0.0a3, my dependencies locked to pygls==1.0.0a3 and lsprotocol==2023.0.0a0, which resolved the error. So perhaps there was a change that went out in 1.0.1 that referenced WorkspaceConfigurationParams?

karthiknadig commented 1 year ago

@charliermarsh Can you try with ?

charliermarsh commented 1 year ago

Works! Thanks tons!

tombh commented 1 year ago

@charliermarsh you were right 🤓 I checked, there were a bunch of commits relevant to WorkspaceConfigurationParams on January 3rd that made it into v1.0.1. Ok, so even though we at Pygls did that, it wasn't until the recent fixes from lsprotocol that the WorkspaceConfigurationParams issue you found surfaced.

Anyway, so long story short, now with the latest fix from Karthik, everything's good I think?

charliermarsh commented 1 year ago

Yup! All good from my perspective.

karthiknadig commented 1 year ago

@tombh I added pygls tests to lsprotocol CI as smoke tests, so we should be able to catch these in the future before release:

tombh commented 1 year ago

Great idea @karthiknadig, thank you.

So I think we can close this issue then. The fix is essentially to reinstall Pygls. Or, for an end user, perhaps even just lsprotocl, eg: pip install lsprotocol==2023.0.0a1.

I think there's a broader issue here in terms of version pinning. Ideally I think Pygls should have more control of the lsprotocol version it uses. I'm leaning towards pinning to a specific version, even though that means we'll have to make new releases for every lsprotocol change. @karthiknadig I wonder what you think about semantic versioning for lsprotocol?

brettcannon commented 1 year ago

I wonder what you think about semantic versioning for lsprotocol?

We did and my answer is 😉. But I don't think you're asking for SemVer but instead a version number that somehow reflects the current version of the LSP spec that a version of lsprotocol supports? At which point we get left with a single digit (the micro version) to represent our releases and thus no concept of a bugfix or feature release.

Now, technically Python supports an infinite number of version subcomponents, so we could make it go beyond 3 subcomponents: <LSP major>.<LSP minor>.<lsprotocol major>.<lsprotocol minor>.<lsprotocol micro>. Is this what you're after?

But I would still ask you consider whether you truly expect future versions of the library and the LSP spec to not be backwards-compatible before we consider changing the versioning so you can cap the max version (and I would point you to as to why I would advise against that).

tombh commented 1 year ago

Oh sure, that's no problem at all. Interesting to read your take on it. I'm totally open to pinning to whatever version of versioning there is, ha. I want to open an issue in Pygls here about pinning to lsprotocol, and I can imagine one of the suggestions would be to pin loosely. But I'm going to argue that pinning specifically, rather than not at all, is probably the better path to take.

charliermarsh commented 1 year ago

(Closing as this is resolved for me!)