openlearningtools / opencompetencies

A tool for organizing educational competencies.
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Update model #49

Closed ehmatthes closed 9 years ago

ehmatthes commented 9 years ago

This is the most significant issue of the alignment so far. We need to:

ehmatthes commented 9 years ago

Remove the pathway feature

Started this in #43, continuing here.

ehmatthes commented 9 years ago

After removing most pathway elements listed above, runserver lists a lot fewer issues than when I ran runserver in #43:

$ python runserver
Performing system checks...

System check identified some issues:

competencies.UserProfile.schools: (fields.W340) null has no effect on ManyToManyField.
competencies.UserProfile.subject_areas: (fields.W340) null has no effect on ManyToManyField.

System check identified 2 issues (0 silenced).

You have unapplied migrations; your app may not work properly until they are applied.
Run 'python migrate' to apply them.

May 15, 2015 - 16:05:58
Django version 1.8.1, using settings 'opencompetencies.settings'
Starting development server at
Quit the server with CONTROL-C.
ehmatthes commented 9 years ago

Should just grep pathway in the codebase.

Done. Can view entire system for a school. Haven't tried all aspects of the project yet.

ehmatthes commented 9 years ago

Remove the forking feature

I've been mentally debating whether to remove all the forking code while removing the pathways code. It's always hard to remove code you think you might use again, but it's pretty verbose. I'm confident the model can be greatly simplified, which would simplify the approach to forking I tried in the first edition of OC. That's what version control is for, anyway! If I want to use this old code, I can copy it back in.

Remove references to forking in:

ehmatthes commented 9 years ago

Remove migrations, and rebuild the db from scratch. (Look at fixtures as well.)

ehmatthes commented 9 years ago

Dropped database, rebuilt empty database.

ehmatthes commented 9 years ago

Rebuild db

$ makemigrations competencies
$ migrate competencies

Complains about contenttypes.

$ migrate


ehmatthes commented 9 years ago

Index page complains about school that doesn't exist. Not using the school anymore, so removing the query for sample_school in for the index view.

ehmatthes commented 9 years ago

Stepping away from this for a bit. Next steps: create a superuser, and at least try to make a school.

ehmatthes commented 9 years ago

Create superuser, create regular user, and make a school

Try this before moving on. Not worth testing more, until focusing on the model further.

Sort out UserProfile issues when creating process for new account registration.

ehmatthes commented 9 years ago

Upgrade to Python 3

I think I went with 2.7 when I was doing the initial version of OC because I wanted to use reportlab, which required 2.7 when I started this work.

Plan: replace current venv with a Python 3 venv, and see if anything breaks.

Upgrade worked, with minor notes:

ehmatthes commented 9 years ago

Look for other simplifications before digging into new model

In a quick look, I didn't see anything obvious. But I'll keep an eye out for this as I'm working on the model, and maybe record some simplifications here.

Tracking these separately in #52.

ehmatthes commented 9 years ago

Update the existing model to GSP structure/ labeling/ language

Opening a separate issue for this, as this is likely to be more involved than I want to work with in this one issue. #51

ehmatthes commented 9 years ago

Decide whether to include public option right now, or focus on development while logged in only.

This is mostly about whether to give users the option of making elements public at this point.

Easy decision: hold off for post-alignment, it's useful to our school right now.

ehmatthes commented 9 years ago
