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Collection on Submission #785

Open ajrbyers opened 5 years ago

ajrbyers commented 5 years ago

Editors may want authors to submit articles for a collection so we should:

yakky commented 5 months ago

@ajrbyers this is a proposal to fulfil the above requirements. We (at sissa medialab) we are already working on something along the lines of what is outlined below and we can take care of the implementation

Changes to support special issues / Collections

The goal of this change is to enrich the basic Issue model in order to implement more flexibility in the submission process in order to create issues with "special" policies / automation which might be useful for some journals, but are at the same time broad and flexible enough to cover a lot of different use cases.

Enabled features

Model changes

Model changes are necessary to store additional information to implement special issues / collection advanced behaviour.

Changes to Submission process

Changes to manager pages

joemull commented 4 months ago

Hi @yakky and @gamboz, thanks for this. I can see how this feature would allow editors to more carefully curate issues. It seems like it would work well from the author perspective as well, as long as they receive some kind of notification that they have been invited, so they know what email address to use to log in and see the special issue during submission.

In terms of reservations, I am a bit unsure about restricting the Edit Metadata page to users who are in invitees. Our permission system is already a bit stretched, with its current structure, both in terms of maintainability / reasoning and in terms of usability. One of the persistent usability problems we have is that users sometimes do not know whether they have permission to do something, and why that is the case. If they have been told by someone with permission that they should be able to take a certain action on a given page, and then they do not see that option (because they have different permissions), they can get confused and stuck.

So, my vote would be not to restrict the view in this way until we can have a more robust permission system that is composable (maybe via # or even Django groups) and that is more visible to users (visibility of system status, recognition rather than recall). But if you have other ideas about this or important use cases, happy to consider those.

ajrbyers commented 4 months ago

Hi @yakky and @gamboz, thanks for this. I can see how this feature would allow editors to more carefully curate issues. It seems like it would work well from the author perspective as well, as long as they receive some kind of notification that they have been invited, so they know what email address to use to log in and see the special issue during submission.

In terms of reservations, I am a bit unsure about restricting the Edit Metadata page to users who are in invitees. Our permission system is already a bit stretched, with its current structure, both in terms of maintainability / reasoning and in terms of usability. One of the persistent usability problems we have is that users sometimes do not know whether they have permission to do something, and why that is the case. If they have been told by someone with permission that they should be able to take a certain action on a given page, and then they do not see that option (because they have different permissions), they can get confused and stuck.

So, my vote would be not to restrict the view in this way until we can have a more robust permission system that is composable (maybe via ##944 or even Django groups) and that is more visible to users (visibility of system status, recognition rather than recall). But if you have other ideas about this or important use cases, happy to consider those.

We have had a similar issue (though flipped the other way, with additional sections being shown to editors when they were marked as closed for public submission). Could this be mitigated on the Edit Metadata page through the use of explanitory text?

yakky commented 4 months ago

Thanks @joemull @ajrbyers for your feedback

Restrictions on the editor / staff side is something that we have not analysed in details

Would it be okay for you if we provide a PR with model and submission changes to allow to run some live testing and decide the best path forward for editor side "edit metadata" section.

Changes are mostly independent so I think it's a safe path for action