openlink / virtuoso-opensource

Virtuoso is a high-performance and scalable Multi-Model RDBMS, Data Integration Middleware, Linked Data Deployment, and HTTP Application Server Platform
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Open stijngoedertier opened 11 years ago

stijngoedertier commented 11 years ago

It is not possible to add language statements like "lang 'fr'" to quad map patterns. This raises the following error during the creation of the quad map pattern: 42001 SR185: Undefined procedure DB.DBA.RDF_QM_DEFINE_LITERAL_CLASS_WITH_FIXED_LANG.

It seems like this procedure still needs to be defined.

Some code to reproduce the error during the creation of the quadmap:

create table "BEL"."DBA"."BEL_ADMINUNITS" ( "ID" INTEGER, "STATBEL_code" INTEGER, "upperLevelUnit" INTEGER, "NUTS_code" VARCHAR, "AdminUnit_nl" VARCHAR, "AdminUnit_fr" VARCHAR, "Level" INTEGER );

sparql prefix ex: prefix locn: create iri class ex:statbel_code_iri "" (in CODE integer not null) . alter quad storage virtrdf:DefaultQuadStorage from "BEL"."DBA"."STATBEL_ADMINUNITS" as AU { create ex:map_belgian_location_pilot as graph iri ("")
ex:statbel_code_iri(AU."STATBEL_code") a locn:Location, ex:AdministrativeUnit as ex:map_statbel_code_iri ; ex:upperLevelUnit ex:statbel_code_iri(AU."upperLevelUnit") as ex:map_upperLevelUnit_iri ; locn:geographicName AU."AdminUnit_nl" lang 'nl' as ex:map_AdminUnit_nl ; locn:geographicName AU."AdminUnit_fr" lang 'fr' as ex:map_AdminUnit_fr . } };

iv-an-ru commented 11 years ago

I'm preparing the fix for it now.