Open vinodreddyb opened 5 years ago
I'm sorry; your need is not clear.
With a small-to-moderately-sized dataset, Virtuoso -- whether Open Source Edition or Enterprise Edition -- is quite small; it runs perfectly happily on most laptop or desktop workstations.
Our ballpark guideline is to give Virtuoso 10 bytes of RAM per triple/quad (or 10 KB per 1000 triples; 10 MB per 1,000,000 triples; etc.) in the RDF store. More RAM is always better, but not generally required for reasonable performance.
Is that sufficient information to answer your question? If not, please elaborate on your need....
I want to write a unit test code for my DAO layer where I implemented the Virtuoso related code to query RDF store
public void queryForData(java.sql.DataSource virtuosoDataSource) {
VirtGraph virtGraph = VirtGraph(virtuosoDataSource);
Query sparql = QueryFactory.create("SELECT * FROM <http://test1> WHERE { ?s ?p ?o }");
VirtuosoQueryExecution queryExecution= VirtuosoQueryExecutionFactory.create(sparql, virtGraph))
ResultSet results = queryExecution.execSelect();
while (results.hasNext()) {
QuerySolution rs = results.nextSolution();
RDFNode s = rs.get("s");
RDFNode p= rs.get("p");
RDFNode o = rs.get("o");
System.out.println(" { " + s + " " +
p + " " + o + " . }");
Now I want to write Unit test method for that. For unit testing any data layer, normally I inject in memory datasource (H2 or Derby) and load my test data when tests starts and execute my SQL queries to validate. Datasource will be closed after tests execution completes.
I need help on this. I came across apache jena in-memory Using this I am loading test datasource like below .
DriverManagerDataSource ds = new DriverManagerDataSource();
ds.setUrl("jdbc:jena:mem:dataset=sample.ttl"); //TTL file contains my data
I am getting sparql lexical error like below.
16:55:22.239 [main] DEBUG org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.DriverManagerDataSource - Loaded JDBC driver: org.apache.jena.jdbc.mem.MemDriver
16:55:22.250 [main] DEBUG org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.DriverManagerDataSource - Creating new JDBC DriverManager Connection to [jdbc:jena:mem:dataset=c:/Vinod/data/sample.ttl]
16:55:22.261 [main] DEBUG org.apache.jena.shared.LockMRSW - Lock : main
16:55:22.263 [main] DEBUG org.apache.jena.shared.LockMRSW - Lock : main
16:55:22.546 [main] DEBUG - Not mapped: c:/Vinod/data/sample.ttl
16:55:22.546 [main] DEBUG - open(c:/Vinod/data/sample.ttl)
16:55:22.546 [main] DEBUG - Not mapped: c:/Vinod/data/sample.ttl
16:55:22.554 [main] DEBUG - Found: c:/Vinod/data/sample.ttl (LocatorFile)
16:55:24.192 [main] DEBUG org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.DriverManagerDataSource - Creating new JDBC DriverManager Connection to [jdbc:jena:mem:dataset=c:/Vinod/data/sample.ttl]
16:55:24.192 [main] DEBUG org.apache.jena.shared.LockMRSW - Lock : main
16:55:24.192 [main] DEBUG org.apache.jena.shared.LockMRSW - Lock : main
16:55:24.192 [main] DEBUG - Not mapped: c:/Vinod/data/sample.ttl
16:55:24.192 [main] DEBUG - open(c:/Vinod/data/sample.ttl)
16:55:24.192 [main] DEBUG - Not mapped: c:/Vinod/data/sample.ttl
16:55:24.193 [main] DEBUG - Found: c:/Vinod/data/sample.ttl (LocatorFile)
16:55:25.554 [main] INFO org.apache.jena.jdbc.statements.JenaStatement - Received input command text:
define input:default-graph-uri <virt:DEFAULT>
{ ?s ?p ?o }
16:55:25.555 [main] INFO org.apache.jena.jdbc.statements.JenaStatement - Command text after pre-processing:
define input:default-graph-uri <virt:DEFAULT>
{ ?s ?p ?o }
16:55:25.557 [main] ERROR org.apache.jena.jdbc.statements.JenaStatement - Invalid SPARQL query
org.apache.jena.query.QueryParseException: Lexical error at line 1, column 7. Encountered: "\n" (10), after : "sparql"
at org.apache.jena.sparql.lang.ParserSPARQL11.perform(
at org.apache.jena.sparql.lang.ParserSPARQL11.parse$(
at org.apache.jena.sparql.lang.SPARQLParser.parse(
at org.apache.jena.query.QueryFactory.parse(
at org.apache.jena.query.QueryFactory.create(
at org.apache.jena.query.QueryFactory.create(
at org.apache.jena.query.QueryFactory.create(
at org.apache.jena.jdbc.statements.JenaStatement.executeQuery(
at virtuoso.jena.driver.VirtuosoQueryExecution.execSelect(
The class VirtuosoQueryExecution
works only with Virtuoso JDBC driver and connections to Virtuoso DB. It doesn't work with another JDBC drivers like org.apache.jena.jdbc.mem.MemDriver
You can start a virtuoso-t with a process builder and a new virtuoso.ini file. something like this. This allows you to start a virtuoso server just for testing which you can demolish after your unit test has passed.
In your setup/'@Before` method
ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder();
//You will want to write a new configFile with a new directory location for the data and listing port
File cf = new File(configFile);pb = new ProcessBuilder(virtuosoInstallLocation + "virtuoso-t", "-f", "+wait", "+configfile", cft.getAbsolutePath());
//p is a java process field.
p = pb.start();
//You need to make sure the server has started before running tests.
Then for your tearDown/@After
//p being the virtuoso process.
//you can also test this using
//remove all test data files etc. using the normal methods.
One of the methods you can use to see if your virtuoso server is ready for testing.
* This method checks to see if the virtuoso server is started and waiting
* for a connection.
private void waitUntilServerIsListening(){
while (true)
if (testIfServerIsListenting())
} catch (InterruptedException e1)
private boolean testIfServerIsListenting()
try (Socket sock = new Socket("localhost", Integer.parseInt(port)))
return true;
} catch (Exception e)
return false;
Is there any lightweight RDF store to write integration testing with Junit,
I want to load test datasource when I am writing unit testing . Please provide solution