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OpenWrt for Xiaomi Zigbee gateway with imx6 SoC DGNWG05LM, ZHWG11LM
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The ssh server won't start. #44

Closed FloyFire closed 1 year ago

FloyFire commented 1 year ago

Hello! Following the instructions, I got root rights, but the ssh server could not start. After adding the line "/etc/init.d/dropbear start &" to the file " /etc/rc.local" and rebooting, nothing changed. Running the command "/etc/init.d/dropbear start" does not work either.

Also, tried with and without this command: "sed -i "s/#mxc0/mxc0/" /etc/inittab"

Earlier i accidentally managed to start ssh server 1 time somehow, using chaotic commands :D

Model: Aqura Hub: ZHWG11LM V2 (looks exactly like in the manual).

Please, if you can, help. P.S. Sorry for the English, using translator.

devbis commented 1 year ago Did you try updating dropbearmulti from the lines in the first paragraph? Probably, you have dropbear with missing ssh server support.

FloyFire commented 1 year ago

Thank you for replying! Unfortunately, yes. I have tried every possible option. The command "/etc/init.d/dropbear start" has no effect on the gateway.

Used and this command: "sed -i "s/#mxc0/mxc0/" /etc/inittab" and this "mv /usr/sbin/......", "echo -e "GET /openlumi/......", "chmod +x /usr/....."

This inscription never happened: "Starting Dropbear SSH server: Pseudo-terminal will not be allocated because stdin is not a terminal."

If you need to send something from the data, please tell me about it.

devbis commented 1 year ago

Can you see the process running? ps aux | grep dropbear

FloyFire commented 1 year ago

Dear devbis, thanks for the feedback! I ran the command and got this result: 2

root@imx6ull14x14evk:~# ps aux | grep dropbear

root 838 0.0 0.1 1872 332 ttymxc0 S+ 23:16 0:00 grep dropbear

If I understand correctly, this command tells the terminal if dropbear is running?

P.S. I'm not sure if this information is useful, but I have used the ./ command a couple of times to reset the device to its original settings.

devbis commented 1 year ago

Nope, it doesn't run at the time of screenshot, means the problem is with the start. You could try to run it manually, like dropbear -R -F -E but I'm not sure about the correct flags. Probably clues are in /etc/init.d/dropbear

FloyFire commented 1 year ago

Dear devbis! When I entered the command: dropbear -R -F -E, it seemed to start.


root@imx6ull14x14evk:/home# dropbear -R -F -E [9425] Oct 07 15:21:32 Not backgrounding

If I understand correctly, "not backgrounding" just says that it is not a background process, but it's ok.

Tried to connect, it came up with this:

2 [9435] Oct 07 15:21:37 Child connection from [9435] Oct 07 15:21:37 Couldn't create new file /etc/dropbear/dropbear_ecdsa_host_key.tmp9435: No such file or directory [9435] Oct 07 15:21:37 Exit before auth: Couldn't read or generate hostkey /etc/dropbear/dropbear_ecdsa_host_key

Also, I tried to create a key with the command: dropbearkey -f ~/.ssh/id_dropbear -t rsa -s 2048. It didn't work.

devbis commented 1 year ago

Does /etc/dropbear/ exist? If not, create it with mkdir -p /etc/dropbear

FloyFire commented 1 year ago

Thanks a lot, devbis! After creating the dropbear folder, SSH worked :)