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OpenWrt for Xiaomi Zigbee gateway with imx6 SoC DGNWG05LM, ZHWG11LM
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After intall OpenWRT 21 Xiaomi Hub DGNWG05LM not booting #49

Closed Viper7000 closed 1 year ago

Viper7000 commented 1 year ago

Tried to install the latest version. Today the script install 21.02.5 Nothing succeeded. Everything seems to go right, after installation, the hub is rebooted and the boot ends with the line "reboot: System halted" I took another script that install 19.07.10 - the same result. The boot log is different, but it doesn't load. One of the installations ended with a cyclic reboot. I also tried using uuu and mfgtools - it doesn't boot into any! As a result, I returned the stock through mfgtools - everything works fine. Both Serial and USB are already soldered... The gateway has Mi firmware 3.4.6_132. Suggests 3.5.9_004. Haven't updated yet...

Serial log: Stoc Mi boot - Install OWRT21 - boot after install stoc_OWRT_halt.txt

Viper7000 commented 1 year ago

This is the firmware log from working Mi stoc to OpenWTR 19.07.7 via mfgtools. After OpenWRT start, cyclic loading

Install OWRT21 - boot after install stoc_mfgtools-19.txt

Viper7000 commented 1 year ago

Try to install firmware by UART via ZOC terminal. Write all partitions and reboot. And I have boot loop. When write in log Reset cause: WDOG

Start after UART firmware log OWRT21-UART-ZOC-start-loop.txt

Viper7000 commented 1 year ago

All the problems turned out to be due to the stock u-boot 2016. Because of it, new versions were not installed. Thanks Alx for the help in this question. The installation script does not flash a new u-boot. Possible script error. I install a new u-boot manually according to the instructions After that, everything is installed. thanks for the help @Alx2000y, @devbis, @G1K

Viper7000 commented 1 year ago

Here I was wrong! The new script 21.02.5 flashes u-boot, but firmware still does not work. There is already a problem not in u-boot. In any case, in manual mode, according to the instructions above, everything is set. True, in my particular case, the firmware did not have time to load and reboot by WDT. Therefore, I did for myself a dbt file with a disabled WDT. I'll leave the converted files here for those who understand what to do with them

Viper7000 commented 1 year ago

Now I'm testing firmware OpenWRT 22.03.2 on Xiaomi Gateway DGNWG05LM from here

Only dtb took my 22.03.2without WDT, the one that is fixed above. I will post my test results here. But remember that I have WDT disabled and my particular case may differ from yours.

Installing packages mc, nano, htop from luci - no problem

  1. lumimqtt - install and works without problems. Generally satisfied
  2. zigbee2MQTT seems to work. So far I have installed the latest Zigate firmware on 115200 ( I took a couple of test Aqara vibration sensors (DJT11LM) - they seem to connected and work. Cooler than in Mi! While there is nothing more to check with
  3. MPD does not want to work. I start with HA radio, I see incoming traffic on luci, but there is no sound! It feels like there is no sound. Periodically I do not see MPD in HA! Didn't understand. On version 19 it worked immediately and the radio started
  4. ble2mqtt doesn't work. At the same time, some mqtt sends from the devices, but there is no data from the sensors. Issue created on Github.( While turned off
  5. ESPruinoHab - works, sends data from the sensor. Basically functional! But devices in HA Discovery are registered very primitively! There is no firmware, no model, no device manufacturer. There is nothing on the device, but there is data from the sensors!
  6. Put Russian on luci - somehow more familiar

What does not work: reboot, poweroff do not work correctly! The system goes to Halt. The diodes not turned off! If with poweroff - okay, but you can’t see when the device can be turned off, then the reboot just hangs and you need to chop off the power!

Didn't check network reset/hard reset - still ahead!

The wires are soldered off! The device is assembled. As I play enough - I will reset and put only what I will use

Viper7000 commented 1 year ago

I managed to start MPD on 22.03.2 Remove the mpd-full package if necessary. Now download from version 21.02.5: Now we install libnpupnp first, then mpd-full. I installed in luci via "Upload package" Check the settings, restart the service. Working

PS I use a Home assistant. After rebooting the gateway, the Home assistant does not immediately find the MPD. Appears after about 3-5 minutes. Although the port on the gateway is open for connection. Didn't understand why

Viper7000 commented 1 year ago

Checked the network settings reset on 22.03.2 I hold the button for 10-12 seconds, release it - blinks yellow 3 times All networks are down! 3 min passed - nothing (reboot doesn't work!) I reboot with the power off. Loading 2-3 minutes (well, in my case) - OpenWRT network appears Then everything is according to the instructions. The root password remains the same as you set

Checked the factory reset on 22.03.2 I hold the button for 20-22 seconds, release it - Approximately 5-6 seconds (erases the software), blinks red 3 times All networks are down! 3 min passed - nothing (reboot doesn't work!) I reboot with the power off. Loading 70-80 sec (well, in my case) - OpenWRT network appears Then everything is according to the instructions. The root password is reset to blank!

flavio-simonelli commented 1 year ago

Hi @Viper7000 , I was also trying to install openwrt on my hub identical to yours and I get the same errors as you. Could you explain me better with a few more details the procedure to start open wrt on my hub? thanks

devbis commented 1 year ago

You should solder USB and try flashing DTB without watchdog (Viper7000 attached it to the comment above) Use UUU or mfgtools for it.

kuenkin commented 11 months ago

Hello, I'm on the same boat but, with the ZHWG11LM version. Stock works (not interessted) and I can flash it through mfgtools. If I try to go to OpenWrt through the OTA method it leads to system halted. Flashing with mfgtools Openwrt 19 leads to cycle rebooting due to the watchdog. Flashing with uuu Openwrt 21 gives the same result, the watchdog reboots the system before finishing. One thing I noticed is that the board is identified, incorrectly, as DGNWG05LM, don't know if is related to the problem. In the log I also can spot an error mounting rootfs, I will update later with a log. I guess that the next step should be to use dtc to make a dtb without watchdog for the ZHWG11LM, but maybe there should be other way... boot_openwrt_19_07_flashed_mfgtools.txt boot_openwrt_21_02_flashed_uuu.txt boot_stock_aqara.txt flash_log_mfgtools_openwrt_19_07.txt flash_log_uuu_openwrt_21_02.txt Updated with the logs

devbis commented 11 months ago

You may try to flash the system with replacing DTB with the same but with disabled watchdog (for 21 or higher). It helped in several similar cases. This one is for Aqara:

kuenkin commented 11 months ago

Thank you devbis, it works and can do sysupgrade with this dtb without watchdog as Viper7000 stated already. The only downside, also mentioned, is that it doesn't reboots, but much better than the stock, so thanks again!!!