openly-retro / stellaris-machine-robot-expansion

Reviving XVCV's "Machine & Robot Expansion" mod
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Cant pick bio-mechanical hybrid bc xenobiology tech is gone [BongBong] #126

Closed openly-retro closed 4 months ago

openly-retro commented 4 months ago

This was part of a series of techs that gave boosts to research job output.

Stellaris devs have reworked all research bonuses so this tech went away.

We can still include it as an option, but it won't give any bonuses ... just to fill the prereqs for bio-mechanical hybrid


openly-retro commented 4 months ago

tech cost is @tier2cost3 = 6000

tech_society_2 = { cost = @tier2cost3 area = society tier = 2 category = { biology } prerequisites = { "tech_society_1" } weight = @tier2weight3

modifier = {
    planet_researchers_society_research_produces_mult = 0.2

weight_modifier = {
    modifier = {
        factor = 2
        years_passed > 5
    modifier = {
        factor = 2
        years_passed > 10
    modifier = {
        factor = 2
        years_passed > 15
    modifier = {
        factor = 2
        years_passed > 20
    modifier = {
        factor = 1.5
        is_specialist_subject_type = { TYPE = scholarium }
    modifier = {
        factor = 2
        has_relic = r_pox_sample

ai_weight = {
    factor = @society_research_ai_factor


openly-retro commented 4 months ago

tech_society_2:0 "Xenobiology" tech_society_2_desc:1 "Studying the life that arises on other worlds and beyond allows us to understand fundamental aspects of biology that were previously beyond our reach."

openly-retro commented 4 months ago

Possible dependency replacements:




Interesting tech to think about integrating with later:

openly-retro commented 4 months ago

Existing limitations:



openly-retro commented 4 months ago

For now, settling on a new t2c3 tech, "Bio-Reactor Miniaturization"

openly-retro commented 4 months ago

fixed in

Remade Xenobiology with different bonuses